Jessica Sayde was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada on February 10th 1984. Her passion for dance occured early in her childhood, though it was not until her teenage years when she was driven to pursue a career in dance. Her love for teaching and performing grew when she had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles, California. Her trip in 2004, gave Jessica the chance to perform in Hollywood at the prestigous club «White Lotus» showcasing her freestyling skills and her unique dance style with an L.A. dance group «Extreme Dream Team». She took classes from the Industry’s best at Millenium Dance Complex in North Hollywood and at The Edge Performing Arts in West Hollywood. Her teachers and mentors have worked with Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Omarion and Justin Timberlake (just to name a few). Choreographers Leslie Scott, Shane Sparks and Marty Kudelka are her favorites and with their words of wisdom and intense driven class, it gave Jessica more confidence and understanding of what is needed to survive in the «dancer world» of Hollywood.

In 2005, Jessica’s trip to Los Angeles gave her the opportunity of a life time. She was accepted to participate in a highly demanded workshop. She was seen by and worked with Tony Award winner Grover Dale at his Career Power Workshop. He is the man to work with if you want to dance with artists like Janet and Britney. She also met with three of L.A.’S top dance agents from MSA and networked with industry decision makers, choreographers and back up dancers. At the workshop, her freestyling skills took notice by the instructors and her highlight of the workshop was working with Tovaris Wilson on a Janet Jackson dance from her tour. The workshop took place at the amazing Alley Cat Dance Studio in Hollywood where many stars have used to rehearse for music videos and tours. Janet Jackson held her «All for You» tour auditions there.

Jessica was a member of the succesful dance group «Freezone» from Halifax. She had competed in many dance competitions and had won many awards for showcasing her dance skills in solo or group dance routines. Barry Youngblood, a well known choreographer and dancer for Jennifer Lopez awarded Jessica with a dance scholarship in 2002. That scholarship gave her recognition and a chance to dance with Barry at his workshop. It goes to show that out of the 200 dance students present at the workshop, Barry noticed her skills and passion for the art, and that even if you make a mistake or mess up a dance move, you should never give up and Jessica proved that at his workshop.


La metastabilidad es la propiedad que un sistema con varios estados de equilibrio tiene de exhibir durante un considerable espacio de tiempo un estado de equilibrio débilmente estable. Sin embargo, bajo la acción de perturbaciones externas (a veces no fácilmente detectables) dichos sistemas exhiben una evolución temporal hacia un estado de equilibrio fuertemente estable. Normalmente la metaestabilidad es debida a transformaciones de estado lentas.

Si representamos un sistema físico-químico por su energía potencial, un estado metaestable estará caracterizado por un estado que corresponde a un pseudo-mínimo de energía. Para que el sistema pueda alcanzar el estado de energía mínima que corresponde al estado de equilibrio termodinámico, es necesario suministrarle una cantidad de energía llamada energía de activación.