How to choose a sailing course?

You have always stopped to look at boats from the shore and you really want to try it. You usually go out on a boat with a friend and you want to learn more. You love the sea and are looking for a new way of living it…. There are many reasons that can lead you to follow a sailing course and in fact, I say, why not?


Of course, you already know that if you want to take to the sea under full sail there are some formalities you can’t escape. Whether you are able to move like a fish in water or the only boat you have ever set foot on is as anchored on land as Chanquete’s, it is imperative that you obtain the PER license if you are going to sail (at the very least). So first of all, a PER Bilbao course (curso PER Bilbao) in a good PER Bilbao academy (academia PER Bilbao) will allow you to obtain it quickly, easily and safely.


Sailing is not only a sport but a great life lesson: being at sea with only the sound of the wind and the waves allows you to see the world from a new perspective. On a sailboat you learn to respect the world that welcomes us, to count on others, to know your limits.


But remember that the ultimate goal (unless you want to become the next Paul Cayard) will be to spend a few hours, a few days or even a few weeks.


Types of sailing courses

Sailing courses in Italy are practically infinite, as are the schools that offer them. Those who decide to take this path will therefore find an endless number of offers, not always of good quality.


Let’s try to clarify it: first of all we can divide sailing courses into dinghy courses and dinghy courses, depending on the boats used.


In both «branches» there are also sailing courses of different levels: from the basic course to regatta courses , with the addition of specific sailing courses for the qualification and the berthing of cabins .


If you are taking a nautical license you can take advantage of Smartphone Apps that help you prepare for the exam to obtain the nautical license (within 12 miles or more than 12 miles) we talked about it in: how to prepare for the nautical license exam .


The duration of the sailing course depends on the time of year in which you take it: during the winter classes are usually held over several weekends, while in spring-summer it is easy to find intensive courses of one or two weeks.


Why not learn on your own?

Potentially, you can teach yourself how to play tennis, climb rock walls, drive and even sail, but the question is: is it worth it?


Learning the basics of self-taught sailing requires much more time and risk. What you normally learn effortlessly, in about 20 hours of a sailing course, will take you months or years. Besides, what if a problem arises at sea and you don’t know how to react?


Making a mistake on a tennis court may mean losing a ball, but at sea, when the wind and waves pick up, you could be putting your own life at risk. Going out to sea alone is essential to learn, but only later, when the basics are clear.


Which sailing course to start?

For those who want to learn from scratch, a basic dinghy sailing course is usually recommended. They may be less fascinating, you may find it a little difficult to imagine yourself as a great commander but dinghies are the best solution to understand the mechanisms of sailing in depth. Thanks to their extreme sensitivity, they allow you to recognize mistakes immediately and to learn to know the wind. Drifts are affected by every small movement, every slight adjustment of the sail and every gust of wind. The small crew (usually two per boat) also forces you to multitask together, developing a very useful overview.


Everything you learn on a dinghy course will be valuable to your sailing career.


Once the initial notions are acquired, the paths diverge:


If your goal is to learn how to run cabin yachts , then you can continue with a boat license, a regatta course or some other offshore sailing course.

If, on the other hand, your goal is to learn how to get the most out of light sails, you can look for an advanced drifting course, start going out to sea without instructors, try different boats and do some racing.

In any case, the best way to learn is to practice a lot, go out on the boat whenever you can and try to play all the roles in the crew.

How to recognize a serious sailing school?

First of all, let’s start from the assumption that there are no absolute methods to choose a good sailing course, even the advice of a dear friend could disappoint expectations. In the years I have spent among sailing schools, however, I have identified some common points among the most serious ones and I want to bring them back, as my personal advice for those who are looking for a quality sailing course.



More boats and equipment in good condition are the first indicators of quality, it usually means that the school has been organizing sailing courses for a long time and that it invests (rightly so) in the care of the boats. Just to give a figure (absolutely indicative), a good sailing school should have at least a dozen boats, perhaps of different types and in good condition. As for cabin cruisers, the numbers change as the cost of each boat is much higher, if well maintained, even one boat will suffice.


When the equipment is in good condition and the boats are suitable for those enrolled in the course, you won’t have to wait too long for your turn and will have the opportunity to make the most of the time available.



The existing patents for sailing instructors do not necessarily guarantee a good level of teaching, but the serious schools focus a lot on the training of their staff and on the teaching method. Often, the instructor completes his training directly at the school: starting as an assistant, he is assigned increasingly responsible tasks, until he is in charge of the entire sailing course.


Recognizing a good instructor before the course is almost impossible, trust your instinct and possibly ask those who have already attended classes at the same sailing school.



Any school that organizes sailing courses must have the safety of its student as a central objective.


Drifting courses

On shore, everything necessary for first medical assistance must be present, even better if there is a lifeguard or other person capable of providing first aid.


It is always preferable for the instructor and an assistant to follow the students from an inflatable boat (or other small motor boat), so that they can intervene quickly when a problem arises. The instructor should always have a cell phone or radio with him to call for help and it would be a good idea to have at least one contact person on the ground.


Life jackets are mandatory! Be wary of those who do not provide them and ask for them specifically. It may be annoying to wear, but in that famous moment, the jacket could save your life.


On a cruise ship

On cabin cruises, all safety equipment is required by law, life jackets must be on board but do not have to be worn. The main precautions to take concern clothing and attention to movement.


A good sailing school knows all this and will not allow you to go out to sea except in the utmost safety. It will also be able to advise you on what to wear, depending on the season, because being cold or hot at sea can be a problem.


In general, however, beware of those who own a boat and improvise a sailing instructor to pay some expenses, contact a real school .


When choosing a sailing course, never lose sight of the goal: to learn and have fun safely, if a course respects the three parameters, you will not regret the choice!


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