What are SEO penalties and how to avoid them?

When you do not comply with Google’s policies it could mean a loss of positions and traffic to the point of not achieving a good positioning, this causes a risk. 

Sometimes we do not usually worry about penalties; however, when we suffer them is that we begin to visualize how organic traffic begins to fall suddenly and without any apparent reason in Spanish seo (seo español). 

If you are one of those people who have a website, seo in Spanish (seo en español), then you may notice that it does not appear in the results when you search on Google, this makes the Keywords fall completely precipitously, due to SEO penalties. 

Google: penalties imposed on your pages 

Basically, SEO penalties are sanctions that are imposed on web pages that are not complying with the principles and rules established by Google, who is in charge of detecting all failures with certain specific programs. 

One reason for penalization is due to some update of the algorithm that is created by Google for the classification of the same.

The second reason is a seo penalty that is received for practices that could be done based on those techniques of deception specifically for the search engine, this is known as: Black Hat SEO.

At first glance it seems harmless; however, this usually affects the search engines and it will be an obstacle when you want to try to increase traffic and keep it high in order to receive higher income.

The most recommendable thing is to be attentive to the new changes that are had in the algorithms, since it is always in constant update. By having knowledge, we will then be trained for any type of SEO penalization that arises, plus we can help to boost much higher where we could be. 

The important thing is to use it in the right way, since it will stop being a limiting factor to become a competitive benefit that will allow us to face other potential competitors. 

What you should avoid

In order not to fall in the sources of penalization it is necessary to use good practices, this will allow the page to grow. You must know that the changes that usually suffer the algorithms are serious and that is why you should always be aware of everything that happens.  

Google does not usually accept people and does not discriminate, you just have to do the job well and you will be rewarded, if not then you run the risk of being penalized. 

Here are some techniques that will help you avoid penalties: 

  • The first thing is not to fall into the temptation of buying cheap links that are shared in the press.
  • When you generate well done link building, it does not generate penalization. 
  • You must invest in websites that are related to your business. 
  • The anchor text plays an important role, this means that the text with which the pages are linked should not be used excessively of the same text, it should be varied.   

A recommendation is to buy links in a normal way, it is the safest and you will not be penalized for doing so. 

  • It is essential that you review your link profile constantly, since they can suffer spam link attacks, that is why they must be reviewed constantly in the profiles. 
  • There are tools that are suitable to perform the review of link profiles, these perform this work periodically and disallow all those who tend to enter the attacks, reducing the possible seo penalty. 
  • It is also valuable to avoid duplicating content from other web pages, this is a fairly common cause for penalties, as Google seeks to offer originality and authorship to the pages and their creators. 
  • When Google detects the same content on several pages, then you should know that you will be penalized. 
  • You should not place ads that may prevent you from reaching the content of the page. 
  • Try to include links to reference websites. 
  • You should not exceed the use of keywords or thin content.


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