Solar panels: what they are and how they work

A photovoltaic panel works thanks to the activity of photovoltaic cells made of pure silicon, a natural material. Photovoltaic cells are the primary elements that trigger the physical reaction capable of creating a direct current electric field. More precisely, when it receives sunlight, the plate generates, from the charge differentials between two silicon layers, direct electric current. The latter, in order to be used by ordinary users, must be converted into alternating current via the inverter.

Discovering the different types of PV systems

There are different types of photovoltaic systems: monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous. The monocrystalline plate is distinguished by its dark blue to black colour. The cells have beveled edges and are made up of silicon crystals oriented in the same direction to ensure that photovoltaic energy production is higher in the presence of perpendicular light. The polycrystalline plate is iridescent blue in colour. The cells are made up of randomly oriented silicon crystals: these modules can make better use of sunlight during the day, but have lower efficiency if the rays strike them perpendicularly. Amorphous photovoltaic panels are known for their homogeneous dark colour and are appreciated for their flexible and lightweight qualities. Characterized by their lower electrical efficiency than crystalline plates, amorphous silicon modules are deposited on plastic or glass surfaces, forming a thin film with a thickness of a few thousandths of a millimeter.

Advantages of installing a photovoltaic system

The installation of solar panels (in spanish: placas solares) reduces carbon dioxide emissions, saves on bills and gives access to public aid, tax benefits and incentives promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, the Autonomous Communities and the Provinces. The modules are resistant to weathering, high humidity and thermal excursions and the assembly of the solar panels is not particularly difficult. 

The performance of the photovoltaic panels is certainly not negligible, so much so that the latest generation photovoltaic panels ensure the maintenance of production and performance for a minimum duration of 20 to 25 years, with at least 80% of the nominal power. At the same time, if you search for ‘solar panels price’ (placas solares precio) it is not difficult to find offers which, together with the multitude of subsidies that exist today, make the investment really profitable.

Furthermore, the possibility of installing storage systems (batteries) to store the energy produced by the panels during the day and then use it at night should not be underestimated. The total space is small: just think that on a classic pitched roof 20 or 25 square meters is enough for a 3 kW photovoltaic system. And certainly not least, PV systems, especially if present in the context of sustainable housing models such as a passive house, increase the value of the property and increase the energy efficiency class of the house.

What you need to know about removing solar panels

Once it reaches the end of its life cycle, the solar panel is considered waste electrical or electronic equipment (WEEE), which must be disposed of in a very specific manner by professionals, as required by law, in a way that generates the minimum possible impact on the environment. Photovoltaic systems with a power of less than 10 kWp are included in the domestic WEEE: the disposal is the responsibility of the producers, with no costs for the plant owners. The panels can be delivered to authorized municipal collection centers, which are obliged to collect them free of charge. Plants with a power of 10 kWp or more are classified as professional WEEE: the company that installed the system will take care of the disposal or, failing that, it is necessary to contact a qualified consortium.


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