Effective and useful Tips for keeping your house safe and secure

Taking the effort to secure your house now will save you a lot of misery and money in the future. Knowing your home has never been burglarized might provide some peace of mind, but it can also lead to a sense of complacency.

A House without security can't be a Home! - Mobile Ultimate

There are several issues that long-term residents tend to ignore but would be immediately apparent to a prospective buyer if the home were put on the market today.

There are windows that are unlocked

An ancient window frame with no window lock may frequently be easily pried open by a thief with a firm push. Consider whether or not the window frame and locks need to be updated. Older locks may be upgraded for a reasonable cost with modern types.

Avoid doing what many homeowners do where they forget to use all the door locks. In that way, more thieves become attracted to those houses. Make sure you are taking appropriate measures by hiring the best locksmith service provider as Slotenmaker who will do all these detailed checking.

Invasive bushes

In the matter of robbery related situations, know that the individuals who would want to break in, they might be a significant deterrent. Removing overgrown bushes can improve sight from the road and the windows of passing motorists and friendly neighbors which will come handy for you.

Specialized key box

Leaving your spare key with a trustworthy neighbor is typically a better choice. You might also use a high-quality, specialized key lockbox with a combination lock attached to the home using screws.

Consistent procedures

You never know when a thief is scoping out the neighborhood, but if you take your dog on a three-hour stroll every morning at 11, they may notice. The combination of this information and any visible flaws in your home security makes it a prime target to thieves and robbers.

If you don’t mind, consider switching up your daily routine. For those who don’t like the idea of leaving their home, make sure they have a well-established security system in place.

Cameras are a must!

Putting up a pair of low-cost CCTV cameras, should be your first attempt. Also, when you will hire the best professional locksmith service like Locksmith Lokeren (Slotenmaker Lokeren), they will do all these tasks and it will stop the intruders to enter.

It is getting easier and easier to install devices, and many newer systems include night vision and can transmit photos to your phone or even email you when/if they detect anything.


If you have a dog, make sure everyone knows about it. Place some rubber bones and other dog toys in your yard, and display a notice in your window alerting passersby to the existence of your four-legged buddy.

For those who don’t have a dog, there’s a speaker you can purchase that will play a barking dog sound when it detects activity outside the house. It has been reported that criminals are mostly stopped from breaking into a house by the presence of security cameras and dogs.


A security assessment of your house should be your first step if reading this article has made you think twice about your own safety.

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