Canalisation Bouche is a situation that no one likes. There can be various causes of this situation and should be kept in mind to avoid it in future. It can be beneficial to gain knowledge on canalisation bouche to ensure safety because if the water encounters any obstacles then it can cause flooding or slow drainage etc.

Causes courantes des trous de canalisation bouchée - Ma Chronique

What causes canalisation bouche?

  1.     Tree roots – They are a major cause of clogs and blockage. Usually, when tree roots cause canalisation bouche then there are some gurgling sounds. These are therefore something that should be taken care of.
  2.     Wipes that are flushable – These if stuck can be very difficult to remove and are very bad for the system. At some places, using these wipes has been discouraged. They can easily fit into the pipe and thereby can easily cause clogging.
  3.     Hygiene products – just like wipes, the system cannot discard diapers and sanitary pads because of the fibers and can get stuck in the system.
  4.     Oil and grease – these are not good for the plumbing system as well. they do go away with water but they are sticky in nature and while going down the drainage system and gets stuck to the walls of the pipes which over the time increases and causes canalisation bouche.
  5.    Hair – Hair is something that can fall very often and if they fall in the drainage system and form a lump then they can cause a major blockage. So, next time you see hairs on the drain, just remove it with tweezers or nose pliers.
  6.     Food – many people have the habit of putting plates with food chunks in the sink and then dispose of it using water which is wrong as these food chunks get collected in the system and can be a major cause of canalisation bouche.
  7.     Dirt – at times due to change in weather different types of dirt get collected in the drain like leaves, dust, rocks, etc which can cause the pipes to block.
  8.     Other – other things like soap, toys, paper, jewelry, dental floss, etc are some things that can cause canalisation bouche.
  9.     Right slope – If the slope of the sower and the pipes are not correct then it will cause problems in drainage. The majority of the drainage system depends on gravity so if the slope and location is not right of the pipes then the entire system collapses.
  10.  Undersized pipes – the pipes used should not be undersized or else it will cause problems.
  11. Overload on the system – if the sewer is properly built, sized and sloped and still you face a problem then could be because of the huge amount of waste that is produced especially in the case of septic systems. It can cause bad odor.
  12. Leakages – if there are leaks in the system then it can cause the soil underneath to erode or move which can cause the pipes to drop and if there are a lot of chemicals in the leakage then the pipe can even break.
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