How to Do Bong with Perfection? – A quick Beginner guide

When people choose to shift from taking joint hits to bongs, they suffer from old habits. While sucking smoke from a joint, there is no need for sucking too much. But, bongs online are all about inhaling most of the smoke and then exhaling. The better your diaphragms are, the better experience you can expect.

How to use a bong: The complete beginner's guide -

There are a number of bong types and shapes, but the method is quite similar to each one. You can get started from a medium-sized glass bong. It is widely popular, comes for a mid-range price point and you can get all the accessories later on. To start, prepare all the necessary items.

  1. Preparation

To get started, you should get the below-mentioned items which are –

  • A well-cleaned bong
  • Chilled water to fill in
  • Crushed ice to better experience
  • Plenty of water and Some snacks to eat

Once you get all these things, start by cleaning the bong. There is a bong cleaner liquid available in the market which can enhance your overall experience.

  1. Add water to pink bong

You have to start by putting water in the bong. The very question which pops up in everyone mind is, how much to fill. Well, based on most medium-based bong sizes, you should feel up to 1 inch from the base. Measure it or you can consider another method. The stem is connected to the base. Fill water until the stem is dipped from the inside section. It will take a little water. Make sure that you don’t overfill to the procurator.

  1. Grind Stuff

This part is easy as if you have a marijuana grinder. These are small cylinder-shaped products that have sharp needles inside. You put marijuana inside and close it. After that, rotate both sides of the grinder until everything is finely grinded. Make sure that you don’t put cannabis seeds. They are going to ruin your experience and the smoke is also bitter when they are burnt.

  1. Light it up

Create a tight seal by pressing your mouth to the mouthpiece area of pink bong. Before that, you have to fill grinded marijuana in the bowl and place it properly. Hold the bong in your hand and then start. Burn marijuana in the bowl using a torch or normal lighter.

Keep inhaling and stop lighting the fire in between. When the bong is completely filled with smoke, uplift the bowl and inhale the smoke. Take your time and do it slowly. After that, do a few more hits and you are done. To enhance your experience, add some ice to the water.

Enjoy Time

After completing all the above-mentioned steps, you will get the finest experience. Make sure that you keep hydrated by drinking enough water. Make sure that you eat properly and get yourself comfortable in a room. Most weed enthusiasts used RGB lighting to get a better and trippy effect so you can definitely enjoy it with pink bong.

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