Boiler maintenance and repair mistakes that should be avoided


Among the most important appliances in our homes, the boiler is among them. Many families depend on boilers to survive during the winter seasons. Without a boiler, all your pipes might freeze, your home will freeze and it might be very difficult to survive. That is why it is very important to always make sure that you are taking good care of your boiler. For some reason, many homeowners do not always take good care of their boiler. Many end up lessening the lifespan of their boiler and some pay a lot of money to get the boiler repaired. There are boiler maintenance and repair mistakes that many people make.  Here are some of them and how they can be avoided

5 Common Boiler Maintenance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - MediumBuzz

Skipping annual inspection and turning up

This is the worst mistake that you will ever make with your boiler. Your boiler is just like any other machine with moving parts. For efficiency and maximum performance, your boiler needs to be maintained properly. You need to seek the services of a boiler service provider to help you maintain the boiler regularly. According to manufacturers, boilers should be maintained at least once a year. It is advisable to get your boiler checked before the winter season begins. That’s the best way to ensure that your boiler gives you service comfortably.

Ignoring the boiler during the warm seasons

This is also a mistake that many people make with their boilers. As much as summertime is warm and you will not be needing your boiler that much, that is not the reason to ignore your boiler during that month. Always make sure that your boiler is as clean as possible. You should consider turning the boiler once in a while just to make sure it is functioning perfectly well. By doing this, you will avoid the difficulty of starting the boiler during cold seasons. This is the best way to also ensure that your boiler will still work fine whenever its services are needed.

Allowing the boiler fuel to run out

Allowing the fuel to run out can also be the worst mistake that you will ever make with your boiler. If the boiler is being fuelled by a gas line, you are safe but when the boiler is being fuelled by a propane or oil tank, you must monitor the tanks to make sure that there is always sufficient oil or propane for the boiler. Leaving fuel to run out can cause several issues such as clogged air and filters in the fuel lines. If the fuel is quarter the tank, make sure to call the service provider to fill the fuel.

Not choosing the best repair service provider

This is a serious mistake that many people with boilers make. As much as your boiler needs to be maintained, do not just pick any service provider out there claiming to be good at it. It will be better to settle for a maintenance service provider who has been in the industry for a long time. The service provider should also have experience and the skills required to handle your kind of boiler.


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