Everything You Need To Know About Perpetual Traveler Cum Serial Entrepreneur – Christoph Heuermann

Christoph Heuermann is the founder of Staatenlos, an consultancy agency devoted to expats, perpetual travelers, and digital nomads. After studying Administrative Sciences, he gave up his German residency for touring the world when he was just 24.

Today, Christoph has become the face of the “Stateless.” Not just that, he has lived in accordance with the theory of red flags, in which he advised people to do the same. This prompted him to establish Staatenlos which has generated millions of sales and a Facebook community with over 200,000 followers.

Here, we will look at everything you need to know about the perpetual traveler and serial entrepreneur – Christoph Heuermann.


Meet Christoph Heuermann – the Tax Nomad

There are some German nationals that like to migrate to escape harsh conditionalities by German tax authorities. But Christoph Heuermann took it to another level when he started touring the world in 2016.

He has been able to avoid the tax authorities in his former nationale Germany and every other country of the world he has toured. He only pays taxes when it can’t be avoided (i.e sales taxes).

Till this day, no country has charged Christoph Heuermann capital gains taxes or income tax.

Furthermore, he understands that each country of the world has its residency rules. Countries like Switzerland allow non-citizen to stay in the country for up to 3 months. He also knows that a non-citizen can’t stay in the United States for up to 4 months. Understanding the residency rules makes it easy for him to avoid any legal troubles. Most of the time, he stayed in a place for a short period.

Christoph Heuermann – the Perpetual Travel

The maximum Christoph has spent in the countries he toured is 182 days. He’s always on the move. Since 2016, his journeys have been driven by the spirit of curiosity and discovery.

When the world stood still because of the 2020 lockdown -he was still on his traveling quest. Christoph acquired a Catamaran in Croatia in June 2020. He named the Catamaran “SY Staatenlos” which sailed during the restriction of the lockdown. He also had the luxury to work remotely from anywhere.

Christoph believes that a perpetual traveler cannot be stopped from traveling – even during lockdown and restrictions. That said, he focused on a few countries that provided freedom during the pandemic. Likewise, his survey of the global dynamics and mobility were also in play – as it helped him pinpointed locations that were worth living on the long term.

During the lockdown, he was mostly interested in areas with potential risks, where the government had issued travel warnings.

Indeed – Christoph was living the life.

How Did Christoph Become Interested in Free Life?

Freedom and happiness are human nature. Unfortunately, it’s what most people struggle with the most.

How Christoph Heuermann became interested in freedom was a funny coincidence. He was pretty inclined to the FDP when he was still in school. He had a bit of ideas on the liberal theory.

He hoped to become a well-paid civil servant at embassies, UN, or the EU when he started studying Political and Administrative Sciences in the University of Konstanz. A freshman seminar he attended which was on “Political Philosophy” helped put Christoph on the right track on living a free life.

Learning About the Staatenlos Products

When you visit the company’s official website, you will see that there sections of products are in 6 categories namely:

  • eBooks
  • Booklet
  • Video courses
  • Membership magazines
  • Insurance
  • And merchandise stores.

Staatenlos International Insurance

Staatenlos has 4 different insurance policies that are recognized internationally. These insurance allow you to arrive at your destinations safely and relax. Not just that, they allow you to protect yourself from health and financial risks while traveling.


With Staatenlos international insurance, you also get to benefit from the company’s exclusive framework agreements that covers professional liability, private liability, and international health insurance.

The best part about the company’s insurance is its customer care service. You can easily contact Robin, Staatenlos German broker for any advice and inquiries. The company’s insurance include:

  • International liability insurance
  • International health insurance
  • Kidnapping and ransom insurance
  • Commercial liability insurance for LLC

Staatenlos E-books

Staatenlos has 6 different e-books that will enlighten you on statelessness in a way that is easy to understand. They include:

  • Emigration Encyclopedia – Everything you need to know when choosing which country to emigrate to
  • Company Encyclopedia – Because your ideas and work are yours
  • Banking Encyclopedia – How to use international and offshore banking to protect yourself from a crisis.
  • Citizenship Encyclopedia – Becoming a citizen in 97 nations.
  • Introduction to tax optimisation.
  • Break your chains – Citizen of the world.

Final Thought

I believe that you’ve learned a lot about the perpetual traveler and serial entrepreneur. Luckily I found a coupon from Christoph Heuermann.

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