Why You Should Consider Working With an AWS Partner

Importance of AWS Partners:

Expertise and Support

Regarding cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. AWS is estimated to have a 32% share of the global cloud market and continues to increase. Given its size and stature, it’s no surprise that many businesses are looking to AWS as their preferred platform for all things cloud.

Why you should work with an AWS Partner - ProCogia

But while AWS may be the biggest name in the cloud, it’s important to remember that there are other games in town. There are other players out there, such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, that offer compelling alternatives to AWS.

Cost Savings: 

The second reason is cost savings—an essential consideration for any business today. By working with a reseller like Metric Mavens, you can take advantage of our pre-existing relationships with partners like Amazon Web Services Consulting Partners (APN).

They offer reserved instance (RI) programs that save you up to 75% off on-demand pricing for your compute resources. In addition, we can help you optimize your use of AWS services so that you’re only paying for what you need—no more, no less.

If you’re considering working with an AWS Partner, you may have some questions. This blog post will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about AWS Partners.

What is an AWS Partner?

An AWS Partner is a technology or consulting company certified by Amazon to provide services or products that work with products and services.

How do I become an AWS Partner?

To become an AWS Partner, your company must apply and complete the certification process. Once you’re certified, you’ll be able to access the tools and resources you need to build, market, and sell your AWS-based solutions.

What are the benefits of becoming an AWS Partner?

There are many benefits of becoming an AWS Partner, including access to exclusive training and support, co-marketing opportunities, and lead generation resources.

Why Should I Work With an AWS Partner?

There are many reasons to consider working with an AWS Partners. One of the most significant benefits is that you can be confident you’re working with a company that has been vetted by Amazon and provides a high-quality service or product.

Additionally, many AWS Partners offer special discounts or bonuses to customers who use their services, so it’s worth researching to see if any partners can save you money on the services you need.

What Are Some Examples of Services That an AWS Partner Might Offer?

There are many different types of services that an AWS Partner might offer. Some common examples include website design and development, cloud computing, data backup, and recovery, and managed IT services. So if there’s something you need help with that relates to Amazon Web Services, there’s likely an AWS Partner out there who can assist you.

How Do I Find an AWS Partner?

The best way to find an AWS Partner is to use the search tool on Amazon’s website. You can filter your results by location, type of service, and other factors to narrow down your options and find the perfect partner for your needs.


If you’re considering working with an AWS Partner, this blog post has answered some of your questions. Becoming an AWS Partner can be a great way to access exclusive training and support, co-marketing opportunities, and lead generation resources.



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