Azure Support Factors You Should Definitely Consider

The cloud computing platform Microsoft Azure offers many different services, such as those for networking, storage, and computation. While Azure offers many benefits, one of the main considerations when using any cloud platform is support. In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the key factors you should take into account when using Microsoft azure support.

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Support Types

When considering any cloud platform, it’s important to understand the different types of support that are available. With Azure, there are three primary types of support: Developer Support, Standard Support, and Professional Direct Support.

Developer Support is included with all Azure subscriptions at no additional cost. This type of support is best suited for individual developers or small teams who need help getting started with Azure. Developer Support includes access to self-help resources like documentation and forums as well as 24/7 live chat support with Microsoft engineers.

Standard Support is an add-on option that can be purchased for an additional fee. Standard Support is recommended for organizations that need production-level support for mission-critical workloads. Standard Support includes all the features of Developer Support plus 24/7 phone and web ticket support from Microsoft engineers.

Professional Direct Support is Azure’s highest level of support and is recommended for organizations with mission-critical workloads that require direct access to Microsoft engineers on a 24/7 basis. Professional Direct Support includes all the features of Standard Support plus unlimited 24/7 phone and web ticket support from Microsoft engineers.

Support Plans

In addition to the various types of support that are available, Azure also offers different levels of support plans. The three levels of support plans are Basic, Developer, and Enterprise.

Basic plans are designed for small businesses and include access to self-help resources as well as 12×5 phone and web ticket support during business hours from Microsoft engineers.

Developer plans are designed for small development teams and include all the features of Basic plans plus 24×7 chat support from Microsoft engineers as well as unlimited incidents with 2-hour response times during business hours.  Enterprise plans are designed for large organizations and include all the features of Developer plans plus unlimited incidents with 1 hour response times around the clock from Microsoft engineers.

How does Azure Support work?

Microsoft Azure provides a variety of support options that are designed to meet the needs of different types of organizations. Azure also offers different levels of support plans that provide varying levels of access to Microsoft engineers. When considering any cloud platform, it’s important to understand the different types of support that are available and how they can best meet your organization’s needs.


When choosing a cloud platform like Azure, it’s important to consider the various types of support that are available. Azure offers three primary types of support: Developer Support, Standard Support, and Professional Direct Support. In addition to these various types of support, Azure also offers different levels of support plans including Basic, Developer, and Enterprise plans. By taking into account your organization’s specific needs and requirements, you can choose the right type and level of a support plan to ensure that your workloads are properly supported on Azure.

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