What Are Some Ways To Make Money In Star Citizen?

When playing Star Citizen, you would probably realize that if you buy a ship, you could save time and money. The interesting thing is that there are also many other ways you can get more money when playing Star Citizen. In this article, we’ll take you through some of the common ways you can make money in Star Citizen. Continue reading to find out more.


This might seem rather basic, but it’s new and also a convenient place for you to start making money in the game. For this, you only need to complete difficult missions worth up to 8,000 credits, after which higher missions worth more than 45,000 credits will start to pop up.

Destroy Skimmer Missions

For this, you’ll need to have excellent flight and scanner skills. A lot of people tend to spend a lot of time going after AI, but you only need to find the square target on your scanner and fire away. A key thing to have in mind is that skimmers never shoot back.


Another way to make money in Star Citizen is to hunt bounty, and this is a great option, especially if you’re beyond your starter ship. You’ll need to work from your group bounty certification to high-risk targets and even targets with very high risk. You’ll get more money if the risk is more.


Mining is also an option that you should consider if you want to make money in Star Citizen. If you master mining, you can be lucky to collect many in-game currencies from mining. For someone who has gone far in the game, Lyria, which is within the ArcCorp System, is a great place to start. Check out here https://www.starcitizen-referralcode.com/ to learn much:-

Other Tips

There are a lot of other tips that you might want to consider trying to earn sweet credits in the Star Citizen game. Among these include the following:

  • Don’t hesitate to switch to another server if your current server runs out of mission
  • Master flying when in the game, as delivery missions are great for this purpose.
  • Adopt a strategy that you can easily master

In addition to knowing some key tips to apply, there are also certain things that you should avoid, and they include:

  • Avoid going after skimmer destruction missions. Doing this will only increase your crime rating in Star Citizen
  • Mining without a ship will make it difficult for you to get the best materials.
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