How Older Adults Can Get Started With Exercise

Exercise and good nutrition are vital components to continue living a healthy lifestyle. As age catches up and circumstances change, it’s safe to say that getting the right amount of exercise becomes a challenge as how the body functions also change.

Still, with research showing that regular exercise is essential, especially for seniors enabling them to stay more independent with age, it’s vital to get started as the amount of physical activity seniors should have is at least 2 ½ hours a week.

But how do you get started?

Start Slow 

The key to success is starting slow when beginning the physical activity routines to stay safe. Overexerting the body by over-exercising at the beginning will result in injury that may lead to weeks of recovery for permanent pain that eventually leads to quitting. The only way to start right is by beginning the routine with low-intensity workout programs.

However, before that, it is necessary to warm up adequately and, in the end, do a five-minute cool-down routine. To avoid injury further, it’s essential to take note of the surroundings and only exercise on a flat surface to prevent tripping and falling.

Get Essentials 

There is no way to start exercising safely and daily without the right gear. In this regard, start by getting the proper exercise shoes and clothing. It is necessary to invest in a water bottle to help keep you hydrated during the water process.

However, outside the routine, it’s essential to get enough sleep, and thus a good quality mattress should be on the list. A medical checklist will help narrow down the right kind of supplement for energy and zma for recovery and better sleep.

Set Fitness Goals 

The only way to start on a fitness journey is by having both short and long-term goals to work towards.  The first short term should be ensuring that the exercise routine should be a regular part of daily life. The goals should be minor in the form of wanting to walk for at least 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time by a minute or two every day.

However, the best short-term goal is to strive to be active at least daily without the time constraint. Long-term plans are meant to be achieved after some time and give adequate time to prepare and focus on. They, on the other hand, need to be realistic and personal. There is no reason to want to run in a marathon when not interested in running in marathons.

The goal should be necessary so that it helps remain focused for at least six months when most goals become achievable. The plan can be as simple as playing catch with young individuals or walking 10000 steps daily.

Write A Plan

An excel sheet is a great way to stay accountable as there is a visual behind the goal. Writing down a detailed plan helps keep the promise to be active without having to stop and plan on what to do on tomorrow’s exercise routine.  The plan should be simple enough to follow in that when not followed through, there is a legitimate reason why it has happened.

Have A Buddy 

Sometimes it’s necessary to have someone who cares to remind you of what’s important and why it was necessary to take on the step at first when the motivation wanes off. Additionally, it’s always good to have someone to celebrate the little wins and make the journey to getting fit more enjoyable.

As the tolerance builds, it is time to review and update the exercise plan to continue the journey to become active successfully. It’s essential to get clear from the doctor to ensure that the exercise level increases or that introducing a new set is safe for the body.  Sometimes it will be impossible to exercise, especially with old age, and the secret is not to get discouraged. Keep up with the ZMA and other supplements to ensure the body is optimum every time it’s time to work out.


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