Why Buying YouTube Watchtime is Essential for Your Channel?

In today’s digital world, YouTube has become a platform where content creators can showcase their skills and get recognition from the masses. It’s imperative for them to attract viewers and retain them for a prolonged period to get monetized, which is why watchtime plays a significant role. However, building watchtime is not as easy as it sounds. When you consider the competition and algorithms, sometimes it can even take years to get a considerable number of views. To counter this, many content creators have started buying YouTube watchtime. In this blog post, we will discuss what buy youtube watchtime entails, its advantages and disadvantages, and why it’s crucial for your channel.

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What is Buying YouTube Watchtime?

When you purchase YouTube watchtime, it means paying a third-party company to promote your videos and attract viewers to watch them. You can buy watchtime either through organic means, where the viewers are legit and watch your videos from start to end, or through fake means, where the viewers are bots or low-quality accounts.

Advantages of Buying YouTube Watchtime:

  1. Fast Results: When you buy watchtime, the results can be instant, meaning you can jump-start your channel’s growth overnight. Buying watchtime is an excellent short-term solution if you want to promote a specific video or aim to get monetized.
  2. Increased Visibility: YouTube algorithms consider watchtime as one of the primary metrics to rank videos in search results. The more watchtime, the higher your video will rank in search results, making it more visible to viewers.
  3. Social Proof: High watchtime can work as social proof for your channel, making it more appealing to viewers. When people see that your videos have many watch hours, they are more likely to watch your videos.

Disadvantages of Buying YouTube Watchtime:

  1. Bot Traffic: Some third-party companies attract bot traffic that tends to watch only a few seconds of your video, which results in a high bounce rate and low engagement.
  2. Expensive: If you want organic watchtime, it can be costly as it requires the company to promote your videos through various campaigns. Moreover, the price may also depend on the number of hours you want to buy.
  3. Risks of Suspension: YouTube is against buying fake watchtime, and if they ever find out that you are using bogus view traffic, they might suspend your channel or even delete it permanently.

Why Buying YouTube Watchtime is Crucial for Your Channel?

If you’re a new content creator, it’s tough to gather a loyal audience that will watch your videos and help you get monetized. Buying watchtime can help you jumpstart your channel’s growth. Besides, having good watchtime also leads to more engagement, increasing your chances of getting more views, subscribers, and getting monetized. However, it’s essential to note that buying watchtime can only be a short-term solution. If you want your channel to grow in the long term, the best option is to produce high-quality content that engages viewers and gets shared on different social media platforms.


YouTube is a platform where content creators can showcase their talent and acquire massive followings. However, attracting viewers and retaining them can be daunting, especially when the competition is stiff. Buying watchtime can provide a shortcut to getting monetized and gaining recognition from the masses. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to note that buying watchtime is not a permanent solution, and it should not be your only strategy to grow your channel. Ultimately, it would be best to focus on producing high-quality content that engages viewers and encourages more traffic to your channel.

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