A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an AWS Consultant


There are many reasons why you want to become an AWS consultant. For example, you may be looking to move into a more strategic role within your organization, or you’re ready to start your own consulting firm. Whatever your reason, there’s no doubt that becoming an AWS consultant can be a rewarding experience.

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However, the journey to becoming a successful AWS consultant has its challenges. In this blog post, we’ll look at what it takes to become an AWS consultant, from the initial steps of setting up your business to the ongoing tasks of marketing and sales.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a good understanding of what it takes to become an AWS consultant and be well on your way to success.

The first step in becoming an AWS consultant is to set up your business. If you’re starting a consulting firm, this will involve incorporating your business, getting insurance, and establishing some basic accounting procedures.

Additionally, you will need to construct a website and social media accounts for your business. Once you’ve got the basics taken care of, you can start working on marketing and sales.

To market your AWS consulting services, it’s important to get involved in the community and build relationships with potential clients. Attend conferences and meetups, join online forums and discussion groups, and make sure you’re active on social media.

You can also create helpful resources like blog posts and whitepapers that show off your expertise. When you’re ready to start selling, put together proposals outlining the scope of work and pricing for potential clients.

As an ongoing task, you’ll need to keep up with the latest changes in AWS so that you can provide accurate advice and recommendations to your clients. Amazon routinely releases new features and services, so it’s important to stay on top of these changes so that you can help your clients make the most of them.

You can do this by subscribing to newsletters, following blogs and other news sources, and attending conferences and other events.

Becoming an AWS consultant takes time, effort, and dedication. But if you’re willing to put in the work, it can be a very rewarding experience. Follow the steps outlined in this blog post, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

The cost of becoming an AWS consultant will vary depending on your business model. If you’re starting a consulting firm, you’ll need to factor in the cost of incorporating your business, getting insurance, and setting up some basic accounting procedures.

You’ll also need to set up a website and social media accounts for your business. The cost of marketing and sales will vary depending on the strategies you use.


If you’re ready for a challenge and want to help organizations make the most of Amazon Web Services, then becoming an AWS consultant is a great option for you. It’s not an easy road, but if you’re willing to put in the work, it can be very rewarding.

In this blog post, we’ve covered what it takes to become an AWS consultant, from setting up your business to marketing your services and staying up-to-date on the latest developments in AWS. So what are you waiting for? Get started now.


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