Reasons why you should have a memorial diamond from ashes

After a loved one passes away, many families go to cremate their bodies. In a way, it is a cheaper option than burial. On the other hand, it allows them to keep the remains of their loved ones close by. Other families choose cremation but prefer to scatter the ashes in the air. But these are not all the options when it comes to cremation. Now, you can turn the remains of a dear one into valuable cremation diamonds.

Memorial and Cremation Diamonds - Heart In Diamond

Keeping the remains in an urn vs. turning them into a diamond

Well, it is all about your personal preferences and readiness. But there are some downsides that come with keeping the ashes inside a funerary urn. For instance,

  • It doesn’t look nice in the eyes of kids

A closed vase with burnt remains inside the house is not something kids would like very much. Small children would think of it as a creepy vase. This way, they won’t be emotionally attached to the memory of the deceased.

  • It doesn’t count as a family legacy

A family legacy is something valuable that gets passed on from one generation to the next. An urn with the remains of a deceased grandparent won’t count as a legacy. Typically, they won’t hold on to it and introduce it to their kids. So, after all, it might get scattered or lost.

  • It can be easily destroyed

With kids playing inside the house, the urn can’t be really safe from destruction. With a wrong toss of a ball or a curious hand, you can leave it scattered, and the ashes will be scattered everywhere. It is not really an honourable thing to vacuum the ashes of a loved one.

With all these downsides, you might think it is not the best option to keep the ashes inside the house. So, this leaves you with this modern way to honour the remains of the deceased; turning them into a jewel.

How can you turn ashes into jewels?

Well, there are professional service providers who can take care of the whole thing. This is not a do-it-yourself project. It takes extreme temperatures and tremendous pressure. The ashes go through various processes to transform into a glowing stone. These steps include

  • Analyzing the ashes

This step aims at identifying the elements and components of the ashes. It targets the levels of carbon, as it will be turned into a diamond.

  • Taking carbon out

They take carbon atoms and place them in special units to turn them into gems. Usually, it is called «growing cells.»

  • Heat and pressure exposure

At this point, there is no carbon anymore. It is now shiny graphite that is then exposed to high levels of heat and pressure. This is similar to the natural formation of diamonds deep within the earth.

Polishing and cutting the edges

Now, there is a shiny diamond born out of these extreme conditions. But it needs some polishing and cutting to look smooth and shiny. Then, the experts can add personalised touches if you request them. After the polishing is done, you can enjoy the breathtaking gem from ash to diamond.

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