The Difference Between Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Treatment For Addictions

There are two main types of outpatient treatment for addictions: the outpatient program and the intensive outpatient program. Many rehab centers offer both types of treatment, and understanding the difference between the two will help patients decide which is right for them. Outpatient treatment involves living at home during the day, while attending therapy sessions at the facility. Counseling sessions typically last two to four hours. These programs are typically tailored to the needs of an individual client.

Intensive Outpatient Progam | Intensive Outpatient Rehab NH

In an intensive outpatient program, participants work with a psychiatrist and a psychologist on an individualized treatment plan. They can also engage in group and individual therapy. The Intensive Outpatient Program at the TMC Behavioral Health Center is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am to noon. Lunch is provided. The Intensive Outpatient Program is an excellent choice for anyone dealing with the symptoms of a mental health disorder.

Intensive Outpatient Programs are a step-down from full-time rehab care. They are a good option for people with mild addiction problems who are stable in their home environment. Intensive Outpatient programs focus on building confidence and coping skills. Patients learn how to stand up for themselves and others and develop the skills necessary for success. Once discharged, patients can engage in the daytime activities that they’ve learned during their inpatient treatment.

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides a comprehensive treatment resource during evening hours. While it’s a step up from full-time inpatient care, IOP is a step down from the intensity of inpatient care. It provides more structure than standard outpatient therapy, and it is designed for people who are capable of setting and meeting goals. Additionally, it works alongside a partial hospital program and other intensive outpatient programs.

If an intensive outpatient program is the best choice for a person struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, an IOP will be an excellent choice. The benefits of this type of treatment include a flexible schedule, less cost, and increased chance for success. Although an IOP may not have medical care or detox services, the program may also include detox, which is the first stage of substance abuse treatment. Glendale rehab center Detox is important for a person who needs to overcome addictions.

The length of participation in an IOP is generally about six to eight weeks, but this can vary. However, the goal is to achieve sustained recovery. An IOP may start with a 30-day intensive program and then gradually reduce the intensity of treatment over the next thirty to sixty days. A patient can choose the length of their participation depending on their needs and if they are ready to enter a more intensive program. It is important to remember that IOP is designed to provide long-term treatment, not a short-term fix.

After an IOP, many people opt to continue treatment with long-term care. This type of treatment offers accountability and consistency, and can be highly successful. During the transition, many people begin basic outpatient care. This type of treatment typically involves three to six hours per week.

Successful clients also continue their long-term therapy and support groups after their outpatient program. And while IOPs may be more convenient for a recovering addict, they can still benefit from the extra support and accountability they receive in a longer-term treatment program.

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