Improved Mental Health Comes With Using A Co-Sharing Working Space

The reality is that more people are spending time indoors and the outcome is detrimental to mental health as the benefits of going out and getting to see the sky have dwindled, most people are not reaping the rewards that come with changing the environment.

Remote working is a lot more common today than it was previously and many employees have had a hard time adjusting to the lifestyle and working conditions. Studies show that those who communed before have a higher risk of suffering from depression and gain a few more pounds than others who were more extroverted.

With the reopening of the economies around the world slowly, remote working is permanent, the new norm and its negative impacts seemingly permanent too. In this regard, the only way to get above it is by using a coworking space Chicago area to work a few times a year. But what are some of the mental health benefits that will come with coworking space?

Prevents Loneliness 

Working from home can be exciting at first due to the level of privacy it brings. However, as time goes on, it becomes lonely as feelings of solitude start kicking in. What makes it worse is if the formal means of communication for work purposes is email and should be kept professional at all times.

The kind of setup will end up being an employee ending up not talking to someone for a whole day or sometimes even extended days. A coworking space Chicago will help combat feelings of loneliness as it offers some level of interaction between others. The best part is that people of similar interests will be able to come together in the same room and talk and even share ideas.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety  

Work-related stress and anxiety have directly been linked to the isolation that comes with working from home. What makes it worse is if there are strict deadlines that need to be followed as it means an employee will feel overworked and struggle within the confines of their home and make it feel like a place of pressure instead of a haven.

When this occurs it will bring about mental health issues and aggravate feelings of anxiety and stress. By leaving the house a few times a week and going to a co-sharing space, it will be possible to keep such negative emotions at bay. Better yet, meeting in a strategic coworking space Chicago office with other colleagues will allow talking about work and other issues.


The beauty of co-working spaces is that they are designed differently and often attract people of the same interests.  It gives more in-depth relationships as it offers the opportunity to view facial expressions and better yet even enjoy a coffee break in the break room after working together on several projects.

It offers an opportunity to talk about business-related things with someone with their own business or from another company with similar interests. The opportunity to talk about other work issues is offered and it’s easier to get solutions with a person of the same interests which is beneficial to mental health.

Achieve Work-Life Balance  

The biggest challenge brought about with work from home is there is no healthy work-life balance as the home has essentially become an extension of the workplace. Previous unwinding sessions are forgotten and soon work and work-related matters fill that position.

Meal times and break times are done at the work desk at home and essentially are not as relaxing and do not allow them to switch off work. Eventually, work-from-home employees feel burnt out from working from home and even start resenting the work itself even if it is a career of their choosing.

By signing a contract with a coworking space, it is possible to effectively bring back the work-life balance. Starting with a few days a week, the dread that comes with the home environment becoming an extension of work starts declining.

This coupled with burning work at home after work hours will make it possible to effectively bounce back to a healthy routine. It is of importance as even during work hours, employees become more productive knowing that the work will come to an end at a certain time.

Higher Productivity Levels  

Many respondents prefer working away from an overly strict office setup that watches productivity levels at all times. It led to many people opting for a more relaxed setting of work from home.

Unfortunately, productivity suffers in that the environment can be too relaxed and the push to accomplish more due to supervision ends. With a coworking space, it is possible to keep levels of productivity high as there are people from the team working in the facility and better yet from others companies.

By seeing others work, employees will be rejuvenated to work their very best and when they feel stressed they can clock out and go home and continue with the work there. All in all, it is a win-win situation.

When looking for a coworking space to help with mental health particularly due to working from home. Find a place that offers professionalism but also provides many amenities to help get away from isolation and enjoy the environment overall.

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