Product Video Production 101: Everything You Need To Know About The Process In 2022

Are you looking to launch a new product? Do you wish to capture the attention of your audience and make your product sales successful? Then you need the perfect Product Video Production. However, before moving into product video production there are critical aspects you need to know. Luckily, you are reading this blog piece and we will give detailed insights into everything you need to know before venturing into product video production.

  • Understand your targeted audience.

Every product released into the market does come with a specific audience. Before venturing into product video production, you need to understand your product audience. This should be your first question and your video content needs to resonate with your target audience. When looking at understanding your audience, it does help to understand your audience personas or better yet your buyers’ personas. Buyer personas do look into your customer’s pain and preferences. For a better understanding of your audience personas, you can use google analytics.

  • Set and stick to the budget.

By now you are already know that the film industry is a costly enterprise and in the past it has lead to individuals breaking their bank accounts. From preproduction you need to set a budget of what you can afford and willing to spend for your product video. All throughout your filming endevors ensure that you stick with the budget. After noting down and crunching down the amount of money you will need for your video production then venture into video production companies. Make sure to get the perfect video production company that fits your budget. It does help in getting various quotes from different production companies.

  • Product Story.

Every product comes with its unique story and before venturing into product video production you do need to understand the product story. Your product story should be clearly stated in your product video production script. For the perfect script, you need to answer some critical questions which include:

  • What is the main purpose of your product video production?
  • What is your target audience?
  • How do you wish your target audience react to your product video?
  • Does your product video add any value to your target audience?
  • What channels are you looking to use for the product video distribution?

In writing your product script, make sure to pay attention to the answers to the above questions.  Make sure to keep the script enough.

  • Language and tone

Language and tone of the script are a critical aspect of getting the perfect product video. These two aspects are dictated by first understanding your target audience. A great example is opting for fun tone and casual language in case your target audience is millennials or Generation Z. On the other hand, if your target audience is professionals your language and tone should exude authority.

  • Video Length

How long do you wish your video to last?Before settling down on a particular video length make sure to understand the desired distribution channels. Remember that the current attention span of the modern Joe is on the decline with some studies dictating that the current attention span falls under less than 10 seconds. So during your product video production make sure to hook your target audience during the first five seconds. Let the first five seconds create an urge for your target audience to want to learn more about your product. Make it count.

  • Create a detailed storyboard

The say failing to plan is planing to fail. In respect to Product Video Production, planning starts with creating a storyboard. Your storyboard will act as your visual guide during your entire video production process. As a guide, it does help to save on time and resources.

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