Avengers : Infinity War will gather all Marvel Super Heroes and More

That’s Avengers : Infinity War will be the pinnacle of cinematic Marvel universe , which has been developing for so many years. Today we know that the idea of ​​Joe and Anthony Russo , directors, is that on that tape out each and every one of these tapes superheroes .

The concept of Infinity War Mavel is that the universe is one to fight the largest to the world and universe they have ever seen threat, and we will honor that concept. Let’s just take the side of comics with the same fervor as we did work on earth we have done . We will also work hard to bring psychological realism . Obviously we can not bring naturalism because there really out of science fiction , but we can bring that psychological realism to it , the characters, that will be our focus.


Marvel : Deleted scenes featurette Phase 2 and Civil War

Phase 2 of the Marvel Universe ended Avengers : Age of Ultron it , a film that disappointed many but others if we liked . Today we have some deleted scenes from various tapes and featurette that shows us what awaits us with Civil War .Starting with Guardians of the Galaxy , we see here ( without the finished effects) as Drax account the origin of their tattoos. Take a look:

The truth is that the mixture of these eccentric characters made ​​as Guardians of the Galaxy a single film. Continuing , we have a deleted scene from Age of Ultron in which we see Vision and Thor beating . Look it

Marvel is committed to making the film Black Widow


Do you really need your own movie Black Widow ? If we see it from a serious perspective that it is a human need to see Scarlett Johansson kicking ass left and right … sure is something the world has been waiting for many years .We now know that this deficiency could be solved in the coming years because , Kevin Feige , Marvel Universe superstar producer , has said the following to Deadline who asked if a secondary character like Falcon , Black Widow and Hawkeye could have their individual movie .