Anka (Mini-) Cooper Sissy Elfie Elke Elsa Elsie Freda Greta Gretchen Heidi Lexi Lulu Maddie Millie Mitzi Riley Sammy Schnapps Sophie Susie Hearthis post
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Anka (Mini-) Cooper Sissy Elfie Elke Elsa Elsie Freda Greta Gretchen Heidi Lexi Lulu Maddie Millie Mitzi Riley Sammy Schnapps Sophie Susie Hearthis post
Allen Arnold Axel Barry Baxter Benson Bentley (Mini-)Cooper Dieter Duncan Felix Frank Fritz Gavin Günter Jasper Kaspar Klaus Luther Marty Max Murphy Oscar Otis Riley Rusty Sammy Schnapps Siegfried Spencer Tucker Viktor Willie Hearthis post
Intervertebral disk disease affects more Dachshunds than all other dogs combined, so naturally it is atop this list of conditions that concern Dachshund owners. Due to the Dachshund’s long-backed construction, owners are advised to avoid activities that will strain their backs and spines. IVD, as the disease is known, is marked by herniated disks in […]