Anka (Mini-) Cooper Sissy Elfie Elke Elsa Elsie Freda Greta Gretchen Heidi Lexi Lulu Maddie Millie Mitzi Riley Sammy Schnapps Sophie Susie Hearthis post
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Anka (Mini-) Cooper Sissy Elfie Elke Elsa Elsie Freda Greta Gretchen Heidi Lexi Lulu Maddie Millie Mitzi Riley Sammy Schnapps Sophie Susie Hearthis post
Allen Arnold Axel Barry Baxter Benson Bentley (Mini-)Cooper Dieter Duncan Felix Frank Fritz Gavin Günter Jasper Kaspar Klaus Luther Marty Max Murphy Oscar Otis Riley Rusty Sammy Schnapps Siegfried Spencer Tucker Viktor Willie Hearthis post
it’s a cutie pie who i tend to call sexy bomb, which is why i dedicated this blog to him and to show why Dachshunds, and dogs in general, are so wonderful creatures who need to be taken care of. Source: Animal Planet enjoy! and leave comments and requests as you need to! Hearthis post