Archive for » febrero, 2011 «

jueves, febrero 17th, 2011 | Author:


It has been so long since my last real post. I’m not saying the others were fake, but they weren’t written with my full inspiration (LOL that sounds queer).

Almost two years in America. Everyday is like a war where I have to survive (a lil bit of exaggeration).

In these 21 months I’ve learned a lot of what world can do and it’s not always good. Somewhere in my life last year I met one of the bad things about world. A bad thing that hurt me in a short time. I don’t regret of the moments that I lived ( oh well just the good moments ).

A thing that hurt me and hate about some people, is the fact that they use to others to heal themselves. At my short age I know what I want and where I’m going. I perhaps don’t have the experience of life that requires to settle down into a relationship or perhaps I don’t need “that” experience. Because life is a long road, where every walked step is a lesson that we got to learn. That road is full of obstacles (stones) that make us fall and we learn in the hard way, but we really learn when we don’t fall on the same stone twice, and that’s a thing that I have to learn. I have to stop falling on the same stone.

The way you love me is not the way you promised me. the way you love me goes to the oddest. I don’t know who the hell taught you about love or where the hell you learned it. But whoever that person was, or wherever you learned it, you did it wrong or he taught you wrong.

P.S. Sorry my bad English…