El collar de sandia


Had to cry today (Eric Clapton)

by on Ago.09, 2009, under lyrics (letras), Videos

***Este video es de la canción Had to cry today, interpretada por Eric Clapton (líder de la banda Cream)***

t’s already written that today will be one to remember
The feeling’s the same as being outside of the law

Had to cry today
Well, I saw your sign and I missed you there

I’m taking the chance to see the wind in your eyes while I listen
You say you can’t reach me but you want every word to be free

Had to cry today
Well, I saw your sign and I missed you there

It’s already written that today will be one to remember
The feeling’s the same as being outside of the law

Had to cry today
Well, I saw your sign and I missed you there

I’m taking the chance to see the wind in your eyes while I listen
You say you can’t reach me but you want every word to be free

Had to cry today
Well, I saw your sign and I missed you there

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