Stefy's blog

Just another Blog de ESPOL weblog

English Diary #5


Ughhh I hate Tuesdays!!!!! I have to wake up very early for my Networking classes. The worst part is that I can’t drink coffee (I’m allergic) which is a total bummer cuz I become cranky, sleepy and hungry ¬¬. Happily my friend Dennys was there and invited me to have breakfast. I have tons of homeworks for tomorrow and I haven’t done anything yet ahh my bad habit of leaving things for the last minute. Oh by the way, I think I decided about the color palette for my room: grey and purple!!! I was surfing on the web and saw a room painted like that. Such amazing colors and decorations!!!! And maybe I’m going to put some lights and photos on the wall, you know, something really hipster hahaha. Well, I got to go, see ya.

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