VideoBlog Humoristico: Pesadilla en el aula de Mario Julio

VideoBlog humoristico que consiste en una parodia de nuestro amado profesor de ingenieria economica en una de sus divertidas pero frustrantes clases, con todo el humor que el mismo le pone!


VideoBlog Promocional : White Cherry

Video Blog Promocional que consiste en la promoción del ultimo y más «innovador» celular que ha salido al mercado el «Whitecherry», este celular tiene caracterizticas unicas que ningun otro celular tiene!


VideoBlog Personal : Como hacer un pastel

Este videoblog contiene la información necesaria pero breve de como hacer un pastel de chocolate de la forma más rapida y sencilla posible con los ingredientes justos !

Espero que sea de gran ayuda a todos los que lo vean !


Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, known in Japan as Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (スーパーマリオランド3 ワリオランド), is a game released for the Game Boy in 1994, and is a sequel to Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins. However, «Super Mario Land 3» is a somewhat misleading title, as the game is not really about Mario at all, but rather about Wario. Mario does, however, make a cameo at the end of the game, stealing the statue Wario worked so hard to collect. However, Wario does get his own house or castle (and at the highest amount, a whole planet) as a reward for saving Kitchen Island.


Mario Land 2

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins is a popular Player’s Choice Game Boy video game. It is the sequel to its more popular predecessor, Super Mario Land,[1] and also marks the debut of Wario, a character who would quickly become one of the main characters of the Mario series. Like its predecessor, Shigeru Miyamoto was not involved in the making of this game. Rather, the game was produced by the late Gunpei Yokoi.


Mario Land

Mario Land is where the events of Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins took place. It was the location of Mario‘s Castle, which Wario stole. The castle hasn’t been seen in other games, and has likely been replaced with Mario’s House.

Mario Land was also featured in Mario Party 2. The land was split up into different game boards: Horror Land, Western Land, Mini-game Land, Pirate Land, Space Land, and Mystery Land. Additionally, later in the game Bowser and a Baby Bowser kidnapped Toad and took over part of Mario Land, calling it Bowser Land.

The name came about when Mario and his friends were fighting over what the land should be called. Toad convinced them to name the land after whoever defeated Bowser. Depending on who became the superstar, the land could also be called Luigi Land, Wario Land, Peach Land, Yoshi Land, or Donkey Kong Land. However, regardless of the character the land will always end up being called Mario Land in the end.


Paper Mario 64

Paper Mario, known as Mario Story (マリオストーリー Mario Sutōrī) in Japan, is a video game for the Nintendo 64 released in 2000. It was also originally in development for the Nintendo 64DD[2]. Also, the game was the first in its series, and is succeeded in 2004 by Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, which is then succeeded again in 2007 by Super Paper Mario. In July 2007, the game, requiring 270 blocks of memory, was released for the Virtual Console in all regions.

In this game, King Bowser steals the Star Rod from Star Haven and imprisons the seven Star Spirits. He plans to use it to get all his selfish wishes, while everyone else’s wishes go ungranted, and after using the Star Rod to destroy Mario and kidnap Princess Peach, he uses his Castle to uproot Peach’s Castle into the stratosphere. Now, Peach’s Castle is teetering on top of Bowser’s. It may look as if the Mushroom Kingdom is doomed with Peach in Bowser’s sinister clutches, so Mario and his party members must embark on a mission to set free the Star Spirits, defeat King Bowser, rescue Princess Peach, and take back the Star Rod.


Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 is a 3-D platformer game for the Nintendo 64. It was first released in Japan on June 23, 1996; in the U.S. on September 29, 1996; in Europe on March 1, 1997; and in Australia on March 1, 1997. This game was one of two launch titles for the Nintendo 64, along with Pilotwings 64, which helped drive initial sales of the console. To date, it has sold over 11 million copies, and is the second most popular game on the Virtual Console. It is the first game in the Super Mario 3D series.

Super Mario 64 was originally in development for the Super Famicom, or SNES outside of Japan, but was moved to the Nintendo 64 after limitations proved very hassling[1]. Though it was not the first 3-D platforming game, it revolutionized the genre, with many games soon following its formula using it as a sort of benchmark[2]. It is widely acclaimed as one of the greatest games of all time[3][4][5].

A version of the game was released in Japan on July 18, 1997, that included Rumble Pak support. This is actually the same as the International release of the game, as it retains all of the glitch fixes as well as graphical and sound changes (except Mario calling Bowser by his name in a voice clip, which was «buh-bye» in all Japanese versions as he tosses him by the tail – this is because he is not known as Bowser in Japan). The only differences other than one voice clip are the language being changed back to Japanese and the Rumble Pak support.


A remake of Super Mario 64 was released for the Nintendo DS entitled Super Mario 64 DS in 2004. The remake had various differences from the original game. There was also a sequel planned called Super Mario 64 2, though it was canceled.


Espol (Escuela Politecnica del Litoral)





1) Para mi la Espol es una universidad cuya mision es la de formar profesionales de excelencia, líderes, emprendedores, con sólidos valores morales y éticos que contribuyan al desarrollo del país, para mejorarlo en lo social, económico, ambiental y político. Hacer investigación, transferencia de tecnología y extensión de calidad para servir a la sociedad y cuya visión es ser líder y referente de la Educación Superior de América Latina.

2) Espero que la Espol siga manteniendo su calidad hasta siempre y que sigan construyendo más instalaciones para el beneficio de los estudiantes y la sociedad, que los profesores sigan manteniendo su exigencia y que nos sigan instruyendo para obtener grandes conocimientos que nos serviran en el futuro, sobre mi facultad «FEN» espero que deje de ser estigmatizada como la facultad de los menos inteligentes y que los «payasos» que no pueden seguir en la FIEC que no sean tan «infames» que por su culpa nuestra facultad esta estigmatizada!

3)Los servicios digitales que brindan la ESPOL son:
Directorio electrónico ( de estudiantes, profesores y personal administrativo.


Correo electrónico: Permite leer el correo electrónico desde el web.


Académicos en Línea: permite conocer tu historial académico desde el Web.


Sidweb: Es una aplicación utilizada por profesores y estudiantes de ESPOL, que permite crear contenidos y ponerlos a disposición de los estudiantes.


Reglamentos y Resoluciones de ESPOL (Intranet): Es un repositorio de todos los reglamentos que estudiantes, profesores y académicos deben revisar ya que contienen las últimas modificaciones a los mismos así como nuevas resoluciones.


Focus: Revista digital sobre las noticias de la ESPOL, cuyo objetivo es informar a la comunidad politécnica sobre las actividades de nuestra universidad..


Cenacad: Sistema que permite la evaluación docente de cualquier institución educativa por medio de encuestas en línea, dando como resultado la retroalimentación entre profesores, directivos y estudiantes para el mejoramiento continuo del modelo pedagógico de la institución. dondepodemosencontrar videosque no s brindala espol, yasean educativos,de algun acontecimiento, investigaciones, etc.… fotos de la espol


4)Video promocional ESPOL


5) Hasta ahora la materia de Herramientas de Colaboración Digital (HCD) me parece interesante porque estoy aprendiendo cosas que no sabia como crear un blog, y muchas cosas más, aunque no voy a mentir diciendo que es «la mejor materia que jamas he visto» pero almenos creo que lo que estamos aprendiendo nos servira en algun momento de la vida.

Att: Mario


Video (Super Mario All-Stars)
