Is a degree required to become a CNA?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) supervise Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), who provide direct care to patients in medical settings. The role of a CNA is to assist patients with basic activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating on a daily basis.

CNA Classes & Programs in Oklahoma

A CNA doesn’t need a college degree like most other nursing jobs. To become a CNA, you’ll need to complete a training program with that covers patient care, communication, infection prevention, mental health, vital signs, and other basic skills.

CNA Certification: How Do I Earn It?

The CNA certification examination must be passed after completing the CNA training program. Two parts make up this exam – written and practical parts. During the written exam, several multiple-choice questions will be asked in a group setting. There is a time limit of ninety minutes for test takers. The second part of the clinical skills exam is administered individually with a single proctor/observer. Tests will be administered to demonstrate competency in four randomly selected clinical skills. This section of the exam will take 30 minutes to complete.

After passing the exam, you will be listed on a state registry as a CNA, licensed nursing assistant, or another similar title then you’ll be able to start working.

CNA certification: why is it important? In other words, it signifies that you have acquired the knowledge needed to care for patients. The responsibilities of CNAs are extensive, from taking vital signs to handling emergencies. By obtaining certification, you can demonstrate to employers that you have the skills to do your job well.

For career prospects, obtaining this training and becoming certified in your state is essential, says Genevieve Gipson, RN, MEd, RNC. Working as a nurse’s aide in nursing homes or Medicare or Medicaid facilities is impossible unless you’re on the state registry. Get on the state registry by completing an approved course.»

Requirements for certification

The state will require you to pass the CNA exam before becoming certified as a nursing assistant. Each state has different criteria, but you can get an idea of what you can expect by looking at an example from one state.

Certification requirements are listed by the Washington State Department of Health as follows:

  • State-approved CNA training of at least 85 hours; federal requirements call for 75 hours, but states may require more
  • Obtaining a passing score on the competency test
  • The completed statement contains information about personal information, felony convictions, and physical and mental health
  • Training in HIV/AIDS for seven hours
  • There will likely be similar requirements from nursing boards across the country, although this is only one state’s requirement.

Certification as a CNA specialist

There are general CNA certification requirements in each state, but you may also choose to earn specialized CNA certifications. With additional credentials, you may be able to expand your opportunities and possibly earn more money in a field of interest.

Earning a specialty or advanced credential typically takes more education and experience than a CNA certification. These requirements are determined by the organization that issues the credential.

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