A Breakdown Of Hydraulic Cylinder Components

To understand how you can maintain your hydraulic cylinder components, you’ll need to know how to identify each of the components it has. What you should know is that the cylinder is designed within a barrel that is made from a steel tube. This barrel makes up the main body of the hydraulic cylinder. It is also designed to hold the pressure from the interior part of the cylinder, as well as house other components of the cylinder. When a breakdown of hydraulic cylinder components happens you just need a professional  for hydraulic repair services who will work for you at ease.

But what are these other components? Continue reading to find out these different components.

Cylinder Head

The cylinder head is usually located on the other end of the barrel, and it is designed to help maintain hydraulic pressure when they close other ends of the barrel. This also makes it possible for the piston to retract and extend when subjected to pressure. Another thing about the cylinder is that they contain bearings and seals, which help to seal the opening, barrel, and head, as well as keep the piston rod aligned.


Within the barrel is the piston, which is basically attached to the rod, and it holds the force from the hydraulic fluid. This action allows the piston to retract or extend. Pistons are mostly designed with many grooves to ensure that the seals fit perfectly around them while keeping hydraulic pressure within the barrels. Also, the piston helps to transfer power to the piston rod, which is a component that is attached by nuts, bolts, or threads.

Piston Rod

As mentioned earlier, the piston rod is attached by threads, bolts, or nuts, and it’s a hard chrome-plate piece of rolled steel. The component is attached such that it extends from the cylinder to the head. Another thing to note about the piston rod is that it helps createa connection between the hydraulic cylinder and the machine component that performs work like a dump body or plow.

These are basically the main components that you’ll find on a hydraulic cylinder. In addition, it’s also vital to recognize that there are different types of hydraulic cylinder seals, with each having its advantages. For example, the seal glad offers housing for some hydraulic seals, and its major advantage is that it is easy to remove, especially during seal replacement.

The need to regularly maintain your hydraulic cylinders cannot be overemphasized, and the first step towards achieving this is by knowing each of the components of the cylinder.


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