The Ultimate Guide on How to Move Your Car Across Country

Moving your car across the country can be a daunting task especially if you have never done it before. There are so many things to consider: the distance, the cost, how to prepare your car for the journey, and finding the right transport company. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will take you through everything you need to know to move car across country with ease.

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Decide on the Best Option for you

Before you start planning for moving your car across the country, you need to decide on the best option that suits your needs. There are two main options: driving your car to your destination or hiring a professional auto transport company. Driving your car by yourself can be cost-effective, but it can also be exhausting and take a lot of time. Hiring a professional auto transport company may be more expensive, but it comes with many benefits such as less stress, less wear and tear on your car, and faster delivery.

Set a Budget

Moving your car across the country can be expensive, so you need to set a budget to avoid spending more than you should. The cost of moving your car depends on several factors such as the distance, the type of car, and the transportation method. It is important to get quotes from different transport companies and compare them to get the best deal. Make sure to read the fine print of each quote to ensure there are no hidden fees.

Prepare Your Car

Preparing your car for a long journey is essential to avoid problems on the road. You should start by getting your car serviced to ensure it is running properly. Check for any leaks, worn-out parts, or low fluids. Clean your car, both inside and out, and remove any valuable items or personal belongings. Also, note the gas level in your car to ensure it is at least a quarter full before transport.

Choose the Right Transport Company

Choosing the right auto transport company can make a huge difference in ensuring a successful and smooth move. Make sure you do your research and get quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and services. Look for a reputable company with excellent customer reviews and a solid track record of providing quality services. Also, check if the company is licensed, insured, and has a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) number.

Prepare for Delivery

Once you have chosen a transport company and scheduled delivery, it’s time to prepare for the arrival of your car. Make sure you are available at the time of delivery to inspect your car for any damages or scratches. Take photos of the car from all angles before and after transport. Check if your car is running properly and is in good condition. Also, don’t forget to pay the delivery fee if it hasn’t been paid already.


In conclusion, moving your car across the country can be intimidating, but with proper planning and research, it can be a smooth and stress-free process. Follow the tips outlined in this article to choose the best option, set a budget, prepare your car, choose the right transport company and prepare for delivery. Do not hesitate to ask any questions and clarify any concerns you have before moving forward. With the right preparation and the right transport company, you can move your car across the country easily and efficiently.

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