hs.lang = { cssDirection: 'ltr', loadingText: 'loading...', loadingTitle: 'click to cancel', focusTitle: 'click to bring to front', fullExpandTitle: 'expand to original size', creditsText: 'powered by Highslide JS', creditsTitle: 'visit Highslide JS website', previousText: 'previous', nextText: 'next', moveText: 'move', closeText: 'close', closeTitle: 'close (ESC)', resizeTitle: 'resize', playText: 'play', playTitle: 'play slideshow (SPACEBAR)', pauseText: 'pause', pauseTitle: 'pause slideshow (SPACEBAR)', previousTitle: 'previous (ARROW LEFT)', nextTitle: 'next (ARROW RIGHT)', moveTitle: 'move', fullExpandText: 'fullscreen', number: 'picture %1 of %2', restoreTitle: 'Click to close image, click und drag to move. Use ARROW keys for previous and next.' };
Inicio > General > Nuestra Fan Page de Facebook y una herramienta en nuestra APP

Nuestra Fan Page de Facebook y una herramienta en nuestra APP

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios

Con este codigo podemos generar una barrita con conexion al facebook pa hacernos Fan de SAC

<script src=’http://cdn.wibiya.com/Loaders/Loader_224785.js’ type=’text/javascript’></script>


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