Proxy Server

A proxy server is a computer that can be connected as an interface between two computers or networks. It assumes a proxy function, receiving requests and transmitting them with its own IP address to another network. Proxy servers can be used on the Internet to hide the IP address.


The basic meaning of the word »proxy» is «the agency, function, or office of someone acting as a substitute for another» (Merriam Webster’s English dictionary). So the main purpose of a proxy is to act as a substitute.

Internet or network solution

Proxy servers are used for both the Internet and proprietary networks. In principle, anyone can set up their own proxy server.


Network Proxy

A proxy server can also be used as part of a network, which is known as a network proxy. Two communication partners can exchange files or requests without transmitting the actual network address. A connection can also be established when both network addresses are not compatible.


Dedicated proxy

A dedicated proxy not only connects two communication partners, but also has a direct effect on the form of communication. You can manipulate, filter or cache the data packets sent to you. Caching is widely applied, especially on the Internet. In this way, the requested files are available more quickly to the Internet user. For data transmission, the dedicated proxy can read and apply various protocols such as http or ftp.


Circuit-level proxy

A circuit level proxy is typically installed on a firewall. It works independently of the network protocol as a filter for traffic from specific addresses or ports. Thus, the generic proxy, as it is also called, can request authentication for the use of a website.



Proxy servers have multiple functions. The most common ones are briefly explained below.


  • Interface between the home network and the public network: You can access a public website through a proxy. This system is often used by universities. Students can access the university network and download e-Media, watch it at home or on the go through a proxy server. The use of a proxy provides additional protection against unwanted access to the network.
  • Control of network bandwidth: By using a proxy, a webmaster can control network traffic. Users and groups of users are only assigned certain resources. Control tasks also include monitoring server availability.
  • Protection against network attacks: The proxy server is placed between the actual data server and the users. Websites that work with confidential customer data, such as online stores, often use this solution to protect their servers.
  • Network logging: Proxy servers are commonly used to record network activity. In this way, harmful access can be identified more quickly.
  • Traffic Anonymization: Internet users often use proxy services to anonymize their own IP address. In this way, restrictions on the use of a website can be circumvented and the webmaster of the website accessed with a proxy will not be able to determine the actual sender of the IP request.
  • Intermediate storage to reduce server load: a proxy server can store the requests that have been sent to it. Since there are server requests, especially in Internet use, that are repeated, the proxy can deliver the requested information without causing an actual load to the server. At the same time, the requesting agent receives the information more quickly.
  • Content blocking: In public networks, access to the Internet can be blocked through a proxy server. On their home network, parents can prevent their children from being directed to websites with pornographic or racist content while surfing. Proxy servers are also used in some repressive countries to censor the Internet. The filtering functions of a proxy can also include the removal of interfering advertising while surfing.

Of course, the increase in Internet browsing from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has led to a growing need for 4G proxies. The 4G mobile proxy is specially designed for this type of device and for the increasingly common use of Internet users, who connect to the network from these devices with 4G technology.


Relevance to search engine optimization

SEOs can take advantage of proxies in their work. However, proxy servers are also sometimes used for black hat techniques.


  • Page views: For search engine optimization, the use of proxy servers has the advantage that search engines cannot draw any conclusions about common server requests. This is mainly used for automatic site queries, such as SERP ratings, so that the user’s IP address is not blocked due to the many requests.
  • Reverse IP proxy: This type of IP manipulation is used by SEOs as a black hat technique to give their projects different Class C virtual networks and IP addresses. In fact, all websites are located on one server. The proxy issues different IPs and Class C networks for the networks’ requests.
  • Spamming: Proxy servers are also often used to send out spam requests or spam comments on blogs. This avoids blocking the IP.
  • Analysis of user behavior: Proxy servers can complicate the analysis of web traffic. Therefore, it is possible that a German online store gets a lot of traffic from overseas or Eastern European countries. This association can be made, because many of the site visitors use a proxy server, and it transmits an IP address from those regions to the server. This «wrong» IP address is stored in the log file.


Health tourism: the best destinations in the world

Health tourism has increased over the years and in recent decades countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Turkey and Thailand top the list of qualified destinations due to their wide range of proposals.


The origin of this type of tourism is old and there are records of cultures such as the Greek and Egyptian, often resorting to these practices in search of better health.


Today, health tourism is a phenomenon that transcends borders and can be grouped into three variants: medical tourism, alternative medicine tourism or wellness tourism. Whether it is in search of the best specialized treatments or significant savings in the price of treatments, many times combining health and tourism seems to be the best way to raise an important expense, so that you take advantage of a vacation to get a good treatment, or that the need for a treatment makes you take a nice vacation. Whatever the case, it is always more interesting than having to bet on the treatment alone. 

Discover 6 destinations for health tourism

United Arab Emirates

For a couple of years now, the Dubai Healthcare City has been attracting the attention of thousands of tourists. Founded in 2002 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, this center is one of the most important in the United Arab Emirates. 


In its extensive facilities you can access a diverse range of treatments for diabetes, surgery for obesity, cosmetics, rheumatology, ophthalmology, among many others.


At present, this country is a reference destination for those European tourists seeking to improve their health.


In the city of Istanbul are located the most important centers of the country being the Florence Nightingale Hospital Group one of the most frequented. This hospital opened its doors at the beginning of the 90’s and since then has gained international fame and prestige.


The low cost of health treatments and the high quality of its services make this country one of the favorite destinations for this type of tourism.


In Thailand you can choose from more than 1000 public and private hospitals and have access to a large number of treatments.


The advantage of this destination is the all inclusive option and the geographical location of some of its clinics. Many of them are located in front of spectacular beaches, which definitely gives a plus to your vacation.


Cuba stands out in the Latin American region for offering a high quality health service. On this island you can find the best proposals in dermatological and ophthalmological treatments and to overcome addictions.


As in Thailand, many of the Cuban clinics are located in luxurious natural surroundings. So it is a perfect destination to rest and relax.


Mexico stands out for the high qualification of its dentists, most of them trained in the U.S. or Canada, who offer dental health services at outrageously low prices, especially when compared to the prices of its northern neighbors. 

That’s why more and more Americans are deciding to take a nice trip to Mexico to visit the Los Algodones dentist, in Baja California, and take advantage of their new smile by spending a few days in the beautiful country of the Aztecs and Mayans. 

Without a doubt, Los Algodones Dental has become a reference point for oral health tourism, and highly specialized clinics with competitive prices and attention in English abound throughout the area.


In recent years, Colombia has positioned itself as the paradise of cosmetic surgery. Tourists from all over the world visit this tropical country with the objective of enlarging their breasts, performing liposuction or injecting botox. The secret: personalized attention, safety and affordable prices.


Have you heard about health tourism?