Tips to be an elegant man

Do you like to be fashionable, but always elegant? Do not hesitate to know the best tips to become an elegant, classy and practical man. Dress always elegant, it has been a practice used for centuries. In general its style has not changed, but over the decades it has been given another type of image with various colors and cuts that have differentiated them from those of other times.


It is important to know your tastes, priorities, your lifestyle and your complexion, so that many of the factors we review fit your personality. It is important to find a way to try on each garment and have hairstyles for men with short hair (in spanish: peinados para hombre con pelo corto), as it has priority that the detail fits perfectly to your size. Therefore, no online purchases will be made unless you already know how that garment feels.


Details to be elegant


The self-confident and the one who accepts himself as he is, is more likely to dazzle in his personal style . Design your own style, without extravagance, with colors that you like and that go with your personality.


If you have any physical defect, look for the best sizes or models that suit you, it is as simple as betting on bringing the basics, but there is always something that favors you much more. And above all look for quality, fabrics and composition are seen at a glance and that will make you different.


You don’t have to wear brand name clothes either, don’t wear something that doesn’t suit you just to show off your brand. The composition of garments in your closet should be of great variety, to use them at every moment of the day. You always have to have all those to be able to improvise, where you look for a balance to be able to compose them.


Clothes and accessories to be elegant


The idea of being an elegant man (hombre elegante) is not just about wearing a good suit and that’s it. You have to investigate how to wear that great suit, have poise and style to wear it and combine it in the best possible way.


In elegance, light colors prevail, although it must be taken into account that they are colors that increase the volume. Tall and thin men have a great advantage, but for everything there is a solution. For this, dark tones are the ones that always favor people with some overweight.


If on the contrary you choose to wear light tones, it is better to wear slim fit pants and know if you can combine them with something equally narrow, but not tight, but that favors the result. Do not try to combine bright colors with each other, that is shocking and boring, you can use some unusual color and something flashy, but with head.


Be careful with the use of leather garments, if you like this material, use it wisely and do not use it in combination with a garment above and another below. It can become an excess and can be used, but using it only in one of the parts of the body.


Footwear is a basic for elegant dressing. The key is to have good comfortable and sporty shoes and also dress very elegantly. And when I refer to good shoes, it should be noted that it is not worth buying basic shoes, but shoes where it does not matter to spend a little more money. In the long run they will be shoes that will last you for many years.


You can wear a belt where its color should always go in combination with the shoes . Tied is more effective if it is black, it is much more flattering and for evening events is impeccable. And do not forget the perfume, it should always be a personal and very masculine fragrance.

How to look elegant and stylish.


We have reviewed how suits should be, with their light and dark tones. The fabric and the finish of its materials must be impeccable, that do not wrinkle easily and maintain that firm bearing, as if it were freshly ironed.


When wearing a suit, always unbutton the buttons of the jacket when you are going to settle in or sit somewhere. Then, when you get up again, you should fasten the buttons again.


Shirts should always be ironed and spotless, with thread or fine wool material. Do not look for extravagant prints, plain, striped or checked shirts transmit more comfort to the eye. White shirts bring power and authority and flashy shirts are not recommended. Likewise, short-sleeved shirts do not look good.


Shoes should always be very clean, no booties or boots should be worn. The colors should be brown for black suits and always keep them on a wooden last so that they do not deteriorate.


Finally we review the tie, always with a nice detailed knot. Do not use the Windsor knot for young men, as it is out of fashion. The length of the tie should reach the height of the belt buckle and should always be straight.


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