Cialis Canada- Things You Need to Know


Tadalafil is also called Cialis which you can use to treat major health problems like BPH and ED. Men also use Cialis to cure pulmonary hypertension.

If you want to buy it, many trustworthy Cialis Canada dispensaries are available to buy Cialis. But this medication is available on prescription and without a doctor’s prescription; no one will be supplied with this medication.

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Cialis comes in the form of tablets. You can take it with water. Also, you have the choice to consume this drug with or without dinner or lunch.

Important facts about Cialis-

It typically requires half an hour to an hour for this drug to respond if you are taking it for curing ED. You have to take Cialis one time every 24 hours. It is recommended that you should take tadalafil for half an hour at least before having sex.

You should know that Cialis is alone and not effective in causing an erection. To get the desired erection, you have to be sexually motivated so it can work in your favor.

Many men who already have taken this medication have not faced any unpleasant effects which may be like backache, headaches, pain in the legs and arms, stuffy nose, and so on.

You should not take Cialis if you are taking nitrates which are meant for taking away chest pain. Taking both these medications together can result in low blood pressure.

Tadalafil or Cialis, this medication is used to cure BPH and ED only.

Learn who should take it and who shouldn’t-

Cialis can be taken by adults who are more than or at least 18 years

For some people, this medication is not an ideal fit. Before taking this medication, it is better to talk to the doctor.

You should not take Cialis in case you-

  1. Are having an allergic reaction to this medication or have had allergies in the past days.
  2. Are taking a drug named nitrate
  3. Have serious liver problems or heart issues
  4. Have recently had a heart attack
  5. Have high blood pressure
  6. Have low blood pressure
  7. Have lost vision because of the reduced flow of blood to the eyeball
  8. Inform your doctor before you take Cialis in case-
  9. Have abnormality of RBC
  • Have improperly shaped penis
  • Have kidney or liver problems
  • Heart problems

Where you can get Cialis?

Private prescription only-

If you want tadalafil you can buy it from the Cialis Canada store by getting a private recommendation from the physician. You have to pay the full amount of the medication.

Direction to take Cialis-

It is vital to take Cialis as advised by the pharmacist or physician. This medication is accessible in various strengths.

You can swallow this medication with water. It’s your choice whether you want to use this drug with the food or not.

Important note-

If you have forgotten any dose, you should not take 2 doses together. You should not take an extra tablet to recover the missed dose or else you will face uncontrollable side effects.

After buying it from the Cialis Canada store and before you consume it, make sure that you talk to the doctor about its instruction for use.

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