Considering Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Here’s What You Need to Know

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been getting a lot of attention lately as more and more men are seeking treatment for «low T.» TRT involves receiving regular injections of testosterone, either through intramuscular shots or topical gels, in order to bring hormone levels back up to where they should be. While the cheapest trt can be an effective treatment for low testosterone, it’s important to understand both the risks and benefits before making a decision about whether or not to undergo therapy.

Low Testosterone (Low T) Treatment | Advanced Urology Associates

Here’s what you need to know about testosterone replacement therapy:

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

TRT involves receiving regular injections of testosterone in order to bring hormone levels back up to where they should be.

There are two main types of TRT: intramuscular shots and topical gels. Intramuscular shots are administered directly into the muscles, usually in the buttocks. Topical gels are applied directly to the skin. Both types of TRT are generally safe and effective when used as directed, but there are some potential risks and side effects associated with both forms of therapy.

Risks and Side Effects of TRT

The most common side effects associated with TRT are acne, mood swings, and irritability. These side effects typically go away after a few weeks of treatment. More serious side effects could include high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack or stroke, sleep apnea, and enlarged breasts. These side effects are rare but could occur if testosterone levels become too high as a result of TRT. That’s why it’s important to have regular checkups with your doctor while undergoing therapy so that your hormone levels can be monitored closely.

Another potential risk associated with TRT is that it could increase the risk of prostate cancer. This is still a largely unproven claim, but it is something to keep in mind if you’re considering therapy. Prostate cancer is most often found in older men, so if you’re younger than 40 or have no family history of prostate cancer, your risk is likely very low.

Uses of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Despite the potential risks involved with TRT, there are also a number of potential benefits that make the treatment worth considering for many men. The most common benefit reported by men who undergo TRT is an improvement in sexual function.

This can include increased sex drive as well as improved erectile function. Other possible benefits include increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, improved mood and well-being, and increased energy levels. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms as a result of low testosterone levels, TRT may be worth considering as a treatment option.

44 percent say their relationships with friends have become “more positive”;  64 percent say their relationship with their spouse or partner has become “more positive”; 61 percent say their relationship with their children has become “more positive”; 67 percent say they feel “closer to others”; 38 percent say they have “fewer arguments with others”; 42 percent say they feel “more attractive”; 43 percent say they feel “sexier”; 36 percent say they feel like they have “more energy”.

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