Top 8 Therapies For Couples To Handle Their Conflicts

Having some problems in married life or a relationship is pretty standard. However, many couples face fighting problems with their partner. Moreover, therapies play a very critical role in solving relationship conflicts. A person can find VanillaGift services on the internet, considered the best therapy institution for couples. Additionally, this vanilla institute is licensed and has a friendly staff that tries to convince couples to solve their fights.

Moreover, if this technique does not work, they suggest the person take their therapies along with their guidance. Some of the techniques are emotionally focused therapy, narrative therapy, etc. These therapies help the couple strengthen their bond and add some exciting stuff while talking. Lastly, the institute workers are trained and have special skills to make a person happy.

Reflective Listening

It is the most crucial exercise that motivates couples and also benefits them. This therapy will turn a couple into active listeners so they can only listen to the experts’ advice. Moreover, this strategy helps both people develop suitable communication strategies and conflict-solving skills.

Emotional Focused Therapy

If a person wants to control his anger or mood swings while talking to his partner, this therapy is best for them. They can use emotionally focused therapy (EFT) to start talking smoothly in their relationship. Moving further, the main goal of this strategy is to understand the pattern of talking to secure the bond and attachment of a couple.

Narrative Therapy

This therapy helps a person to tell his problems to his partner. In other words, this therapy teaches an individual how to speak in front of his/her partner. It is because telling the issues to our loved ones might be helpful, and they can also find the solution together.

A study conducted in 2016 shows that couples who solve their conflicts together are more likely to stay longer than others. Sometimes a relationship fails due to the mistakes of both members. So, solving the issues is more beneficial than breaking the relationship.

Gottman Method

This method is the most common method which is used by all the VanillaGift therapies in order to improve a relationship. This technique helps couples to make their understandings better and also adds some romance to their relationship.

Additionally, some issues related to intimacy and marital status also get solved via this method. It is the oldest method that experts have applied for more than 40 years. The therapists also provide live-home training sessions and workshops to the couples. Moving further, having late night conversations with their partner also attracts them to each other.

Imago Relationship Therapy

This technique was developed by two experts named Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen Lakelly Hunt in 1980. It shows the connection in both adult and childhood relationships. It is because, with the help of childhood relationship dramas, they try to convince the couples to act like adults rather than fight like children.

Solution-Focused Therapy

If a couple is facing problems related to a single issue, then this therapy is pretty much working for them. In this treatment, a couple is suggested to say closer and keep talking about their conflict. It will help them to point out their views in front of their partner. It will lead them to understand the main problem, and they will try to find out the solution.

Apart from this, a couple should also stop talking with each other for some days or a month. It is because when a person stays away from each other, then they will start missing their partner. It not only helps them to solve their conflict but also improves their relationship status.

Find Some Interesting Topics for Talking

Talking is the most important and common factor which helps a person to improve his bonding with their partner. Moreover, choosing some exciting topics and playing games together can be problem-solving.

Asking your partner for dinner or lunch can help a person enjoy the nightlife of their city along with their loved ones. Apart from this, going on a vacation or talking on mobile phones is also beneficial for couples.

In addition, appreciating your partner for their achievements can also improve their communication skills. A male can also appreciate his wife for her beautiful appearance and also for her cooking skills. Moving further, helping her in the kitchen or writing her some loving and romantic messages are also beneficial for their relationship.

 Spend Quality Time

The therapists of VanillaGift centers suggest the couple spend quality time with each other. They also teach you the different postures of yoga which helps them to get relief from stress. Additionally, asking about each other’s day improves their understanding. Lastly, kissing your partner before going to the office adds some sort of romance throughout the day.

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