I understand that you might have watched hundreds of Indonesian anime online, but I still insist that there is always something more to learn. As the common saying goes, you are never too old to learn! It is difficult to exhaust the thousands of available anime titles online and also benefit from the endless lessons that inspire you to be better in life. Hopefully, you have your Nonton anime id and you are ready to enjoy the art from Indonesia or Japan. The site nontonanimeid.moe has given a perfect review to help you in knowing Anime more elaborately.
A close look
I think you need the right inspiration, and in that case, you need to understand that there is something for everyone. Just as is the case with movies and books, everyone gets something befitting. We have books and books for both kids and adults. It is the same case for anime. You are served with whatever you need provided you go online and subscribe to what you want.
I recall a close friend called Brown who kept referring to anime as a genre, and I honestly thought it was the wrong way to look at the whole thing. Anime is different for me! I regard it as a form of art as opposed to his assertions. It stands out independently as is the case with books and movies.
The other point of confusion that I have noted several has to do with some people who mistake anime for cartoons, which is misleading. The two are different in many ways. The nature of your common entertainment is diverse. I have a few friends who prefer to use the term «31 flavors», and I agree with them on the matter.
Let us for instance take a look at movies. You get to choose from a great diversity that ranges from horror, suspense, action, and more. It might be tempting for some of us to quickly put anime on the same shelf, which is wrong. As stated in most of my writings, anime is an art in itself. In other words, anime is medium just as is the case with movies. You and I probably understand that medium could present different genres.
I would also like you to ignore most of the misconceptions attributed to anime, the most common being the belief that it presents sex and violence. I feel that it doesn’t sound right for any of us to look at this medium from such a misleading angle. Instead, I urge you to see it as any other medium. Consider for instance the movies where we have something for children the middle-aged and the rest. Anime comes in different flavors and that is the beauty of it. It feels good when anyone can have a good time with the art.
It would be a mistake to fail to outline the role of the various anime translations. It isn’t an easy journey for both Japan and Indonesia who happen to be the mother countries of the art. I’m talking about the huge investments in time and money that have made it possible for people from around the globe to enjoy anime in their respective languages. I’m talking about enjoying anime languages they understand. You probably understand that English is spoken in a greater section of the world, and there has been a great deal of translation into the language.
I also think it is important to talk about the length of anime, and in that case, we must also mention something about the length of cartoons. In most cases, anime will span between 22 to 25 minutes. Remember that the extensions won’t move very far from the set limit. Matters are a little bit different with cartoons, in which case they can go for between 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
Thanks for reading this far. I hope you have learned something new about anime as a form of art. Get your Nonton anime id and enjoy anime within the comfort of your home.