Marijuana Intoxication Testing: The Science Behind It

We’ve all heard stories about people who were high on weed going to work or school and getting caught. Thankfully, technology has come a long way in recent years, and there are more reliable ways to test for marijuana intoxication now than ever before.

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Testing for marijuana intoxication used to be fairly rudimentary: a urine test could reveal the presence of cannabis metabolites, which could indicate that someone had recently smoked weed (although not necessarily when they last smoked).

Even within these limitations, however, it was still possible for employers or schools to catch people who weren’t being honest about their drug use. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind marijuana intoxication testing so you can understand how these tests work.

THC And The Endocannabinoid System

Before we get into the nitty gritty details about cannabis testing, it’s important to understand the basics of how THC and the endocannabinoid system work. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a network of receptors located throughout the body that help to regulate many different biological processes.

Although scientists are still researching precisely how the ECS works, what we do know is that when a person consumes cannabis, THC binds to these receptors. We can use saliva testing and urinalysis to detect THC and its metabolites in the body through the ECS.

Cannabinoid Detection Tests

Cannabinoid detection tests are used to determine whether someone has recently consumed cannabis. They can detect THC in your system anywhere between 1 day and 5 weeks after use, depending on the type of test used. For example, a saliva test can detect THC in your system about 12 hours after use and lasts for about 7 days.

Hair Follicle Testing For Marijuana Intoxication

One common way for Marijuana Intoxication Testing is through hair follicle testing. This method works by collecting a sample of hair from a person’s head, then looking for traces of THC in the sample. Hair follicle testing can’t determine exactly when the person last consumed marijuana, but it can reveal if the person has a high level of THC in their system.

Saliva And Urine Screening For Cannabis

Another common method for testing for cannabis is through urine screening. This testing method analyzes a person’s urine sample and looks for traces of THC in it. A person’s urine typically becomes positive for THC between 12 and 24 hours after they consume cannabis. Like hair follicle testing, urine screening isn’t an exact test.

Someone can test positive for cannabis even when they haven’t consumed it recently. A person’s hydration level and the cleanliness of their urine sample can also affect the accuracy of the test. To get a clear reading, researchers often use a special “clean-catch” method of collecting urine samples.


As we’ve seen, there are a variety of ways to test for cannabis intoxication. The most reliable way to do so is through blood testing, but this method is rarely used. For the most part, employers and educators rely on tests like hair follicle testing or urine screening to determine if someone has taken cannabis recently. These tests can be helpful tools, but they aren’t perfect, and they don’t work for everyone.

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