How to Choose a Theme for A Kid’s Birthday

The best part of a kid’s birthday party is getting into the theme as much as the kids do. This is important as it sets the mood for the entirety of the birthday party. However, choosing the theme is not as easy as picking up a short for the day and a little more input needs to be sort before picking one.

Looking at various kids birthday party places in Chicago beforehand will help in narrowing down the decision-making process.


The foremost step to take is to do adequate research on the themes popular at the time. Essentially in kids’ magazines, there are birthday themes and they are matched with the appropriate age group. A simple search will give options on what to do and which style to choose.


Apart from the most popular ones for children. Take into consideration the season the birthday place will be taking place. A place to get inspiration is from a cartoon or favorite shows that are set in that season.

Personalize Themes

There are many birthdays to choose from and many kid’s birthday party places in Chicago offer to host them. The problem arises as it’s common to have kids choose a specific theme because their friends choose them.

However, it’s not unique and the excitement usually goes down pretty quickly. Pick two or three themes that the kid liked and mix them in various degrees as fit.  The variations are a sure way of picking the interest of everyone, making a memorable experience.

Match Personality   

The ultimate goal is to ensure that the birthday kid gets to have the time of their life. In this sense, the topic should be in line with their personality or in line with a character that the child likes.

Before making a final decision ensure that there are two or three options on the table for the kid to choose their most fancied. The move is a sure way of making the party great for them and all others attending will be able to take note of their personality on an individual level.


Regardless of the choice of the kids for a theme, many kid’s birthday party places in Chicago will only work with a theme if it is appropriate for the age and size of the kid. In every sense keeping a close look at the choice is important as it will eliminate awkward situations where the kids just cannot handle themselves like two-year-olds cooling a five-causal like princess Tiana or riding a horse like Meridith.

When choosing kid’s birthday party places in Chicago, remember to settle on one that is comfortable and experienced in hosting parties for kids your kids’ age.

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