What a dental clinic can do for my oral health

Oral health affects your life in ways that are often taken for granted. Your mouth can reflect the overall health of your body, showing signs of infection or disease before you experience other symptoms. It’s a commonly overlooked aspect of health management that is crucial to your well-being. Here’s everything Los Algodones dentist can do for your oral health.


Preserving your pearly whites


Preventive dental care requires only minor steps to avoid serious problems with your teeth and gums. Regular brushing and flossing will greatly benefit your oral health, but the only sure way to identify and treat problems is to visit a dentist on a routine basis.


Avoid serious health complications


Complications from lack of dental care can extend far beyond gingivitis. There is a proven link between gum disease and heart disease, and gum disease can also indicate a risk of premature delivery in pregnant women. In addition, almost all systemic diseases have an oral component. This includes oral cancer, diabetes and kidney disease.


Increasing confidence


Lack of dental care can become visually apparent over time. Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to yellowing of the teeth, tooth loss, bad breath and tooth damage. These types of cosmetic problems can affect your confidence and make you feel insecure about your appearance. Regular dental care can prevent much of this damage, and existing damage can usually be repaired.   


Avoid costly procedures


Getting regular checkups and cleanings may seem like an unnecessary expense, but skipping them can lead to costly procedures. For example, a simple, inexpensive cavity that goes unchecked can grow, requiring a costly root canal or cap.


Diminish pain


Most dental disease manifests itself with some form of oral pain. A toothache usually indicates a problem or infection. Severe oral pain can lead to an inability to concentrate and severe headaches. If the source of the pain is an infection, it will only get worse and the infection can lead to serious complications.


The Checkup


At a dental checkup, your dental hygienist will check for cavities and x-rays may be taken to determine if there is decay. The exam also includes a check for plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a clear layer of bacteria that can harden into tartar. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing, so it is essential to see your dentist to avoid problems like this. A soft tissue examination should also be performed to look for swelling, redness and any signs of cancer.


Importance of Dental Care for a Positive Lifestyle


As the professionals at Los Algodones dental clinic tell us, maintaining good dental hygiene is vital to living a positive and healthy life. Taking charge of your health can be very enriching and gives you peace of mind. As with all medical treatments, preventive care can save you time, money and stress.


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