Benefits of having a NIE

The NIE Number is another vital piece of documentation for those planning to live in Spain. This is also one of the first things people apply for here. The NIE is short for Número de Identificación de Extranjero (ID Number of Foreigner). Some people confuse this with the NIF Number, which is the tax identification number for Spanish citizens. The NIE is the one assigned by the government to foreigners fulfilling the requirements (requisitos).


This important paperwork is a must if you want to work and pay taxes in Spain. The NIE also allows you to do many of the same things as the Spanish Residencia or Residencia. (Another service we provide). In fact, this is often the first step towards residency if you are thinking of moving to Spain in the future. Many who have a vacation home go through the process to obtain most of the same rights as a resident. Below are some of the most important things you can do once you have your NIE Number.


Benefits of having a NIE 


Property: Having your NIE will allow you to buy a property or sell your existing home in Spain. It also allows you to buy insurance and pay for utilities.


Vehicles: You cannot legally buy or sell a car or other vehicle without the NIE. 


You will also need your Residencia if you need to change your current license to Spanish. We can also help you with obtaining your Residencia and Spanish Driving License.


Work & Tax: You must have the NIE to work and pay taxes in Spain. This is also an essential first step if you plan to start a business here. Once you are paying taxes in the Spanish system, you will also be eligible to receive medical care here.


Banking: Once you have your NIE you can apply for a Spanish bank account and obtain other banking benefits. These include things like getting a mortgage or loans from the bank. This is important here as you must fill out the requirements to renew the NIE (requisitos para renovar el NIE) when necessary.


Students and Education: Students can study and stay in Spain. For UK citizens after the Brexit transition period, students may need a visa if they are non-resident.


Communications and Services: Currently a NIE is needed for telephone contracts and similar services. This also includes getting Internet at home, as all providers require it.


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